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I'm Katie, a 23-year-old developer/uni student from Australia.

My IMVU catalogue is mostly filled with retro fashions and clothes for less ordinary individuals, like goths, punks, steampunks and pirates.

I like to sew and make things in real life as well as IMVU. I also enjoy drawing and designing... everything. I'm also on Deviantart, so visit my page!

My little pet ferrets <3, Red Dwarf, Web Design, 3DSMax, Profiteroles, Reading (Terry Pratchett, A Song of Ice and Fire, Stephen King, Tom Sharpe, The Hunger Games, the Sookie Stackhouse series, Skulduggery Pleasant and others.)

Bad Grammar (ugh!), Loud Noises, Exercise, Religion.

Pink Knickers (Deriv) Blue Mad Maxine Jacket Golden Icarus Vintage Dining Chair Vintage Captain's Desk
Black & Pink Zwee Steampunk Bottoms M metal & Wood Nurph Gun F metal & Wood Nurph Gun F Steampunk Jetpack
M Steampunk Jetpack Steampunk Nurph Gun [F] Steampunk Nurph Gun [M] Male White Spats (Deriv) Pilot Cap & Goggles
Dev Boots and Spats Boots and Spats Black Rabbit Ear Hat LeopardPrint Ankle Boots Beige Ankle Boots
Black Ankle Boots Brown Leather Hoodie Black Rabbit Ear Hat Jeans w/ Check Braces Jeans w/ Rainbow Braces
Black w/ Checked Braces Jeans w/ Patriot Braces Leopard Skin Pink Leopard Skin White Leopard Skin
Short Blue Pirate Dress Short Red Pirate Dress Steampunk Dreads Black Steampunk Dreads Blonde Steampunk Dreads Blue
Short Green Pirate Dress Pale Blue Bell Bottoms Black Anime Eyes Anime Golden Eyes Red Anime Eyes
Blue Anime Eyes Steampunk Clock Eyes Skirt/Pants Leg Combo Pink Plaid Skirt/Legging Blue Plaid Skirt/Legging
Retro Swing Dress 2 Retro Swing Dress
Black & Pink Zwee Steampunk Bottoms F Steampunk Jetpack M Steampunk Jetpack Steampunk Nurph Gun [F]
Steampunk Nurph Gun [M] Male White Spats (Deriv) Pilot Cap & Goggles Dev Boots and Spats Derivable Half-Hoody
Derivable Rabbit Ear Hat Derivable Ankle Boots Bottoms with Braces Steampunk Dreads Blue Skirt/Pants Leg Combo
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