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Avatar 2006-11-19'den beri
Age: 38
United States - SC
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"hey everyone...u can buy me a gift & ill love ya 4ever!"

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Bana Ulaşın
My name is Ashley I'm a freshman at Midlands Tech. But anyways I'm 20 years old and i live in South Carolina and i looking for friends around South Carolina! I live at home with my parents since i am going to college. Wanna know more about me... feel free to ask just don't ask me stupid question like what are my interest because if you look on here you will see it! Also right now my parents are looking to get me a new car since mine over heated on Thursday Feb. 15, 2007. I really want a Ford Escape! some of my favorite quotes are: "make love, not war, but not too much love" i love you Jacki and Kristin "eye wuff ewww.." i love you Katherine ''when one door of happiness closes another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us'' by Helen Keller ''what we have once enjoyed we can never lose. all that we love becomes a part of us" by Helen Keller She-Ra rocks! Inuyasha rocks! Johnny Depp is hott! John Cena is really really hott and yummy!! Tinkerbell is da bomb! I'm a dork! Anime is cool! i love dogs! Pirates of the Caribbean is my favorite!
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İstek Listem
HFD 5 Poses - Set 1 F[AO]Floral Bed w/3 Poses*DW1* Trinket EarringsNurse Curse GS[ACS] SWEET CUDDLE II
c27 Couple pose1Standing Cuddle! Rave Silver - Black !{K} Black Leather /RedStone Spa V4
(V) Passion Pose Couchspacerspacerspacerspacer
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