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Avatar 2006-06-11'den beri
Age: 41
United States - FL
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"ciao to everyone!"

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Visit my Guestbook! i'm paula. my friends call me pau.i'm costarican and damn proud of it!! shadow
Shadow is your anime element. You often feel
lonely and become depressed. The way you
usually act around others isn't how you truly
feel. You don't want pity from people; thus,
you don't make yourself seem pitiful. You're
a very unique individual and are extremely
talented. Most people envy you, but it
doesn't matter. You know the true you that
no one else knows. You tend to be envious of
others, wishing you had what they have to
fill the whole in your soul. All you want is
someone who truly loves and understands you;
someone you can trust. If you were an anime
character you would control darkness. You
would have the power to steal people's souls.

What is your anime element?
brought to you by Quizilla
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