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Avatar 2007-04-15'den beri
Age: 32
United States - FL
Last log on:

"thanx to all my friends.. i wouldnt b here without u."

See My Albums (4)

hey im caity. just another gurl... i am single.. if u wanna chat, IM me sometime and we can chat if im on. DONT SEND ME CHAINMAIL!! it gets really anooying and it doesnt work. so STOP SENDING IT!!! Im into all sorts of things. if u wanna b more specific then got to my interests panel and take a look. i am a leo and my birthday is in August. well this is a list of my top buddies on here. Ch4rmingCharlie ( coolest person ever!! ) Jenny9451 ( bffl/sister ) Shelby8690 ( shes so cool and awesome.. i can trust her all the time!! definalty best friend!! ) DennisSB2 ( best friend. im gonna say this cuz i have to but dennis, i still love u ) littlemissperfect ( sister ) RockerBoy363 ( best friend ) xChant ( best friend ) williamtyle ( my couzin ) rissa428 ( best friend ). well if u wanna be on my list just tell me and ill put u on it. but u have to be som1 i talk to on a regular basis. or if forgot u just tell me and ill put u up here. well toodles for now. ~caity

Create Your Own Countdown

Name :Caity
Nick Name :Caity, thats what u can call me
Birthdate :August 10
Birthplace :In a hospital
Current Location :In my house
Eye Color :Blue
Hair Color :Blonde
Height :5' 2''
Weight :Like 92 or 93 lbs.
Piercings :Ears
Tatoos :No
Boyfriend/Girlfriend :Yup
Vehicle :No
Overused Phrase :Im sry
Food :Chicken nuggets
Pub/Disc/Restaurant :Applebee's
Candy :Crunch
Number :1
Color :Baby colors or pastels
Animal :Dog
Drink :Mountain Dew
Perfume :So in love
TV Show :CSI: Miami
Music Album :Linkin Park - Hybid Theory or Meteora
Movie :Bring It On: All or Nothing
Actor/Actress :Actor: Zac Efron Actress: Ashley Tisdale
This or That
Pepsi or Coke :Pepsi
McDonalds or BurgerKing :McDonalds
Chocolate or VanillaChocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee :Hot Chocolate
Kiss or Hug :Depends on who u r.
Dog or Cat :Dog
Rap or Punk :Rap
Summer or Winter :Summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies :Scary
Love or Money :Love, but money isnt bad either
Bedtime :When i go to bed
Most Missed Memory :My stepdad
Best phyiscal feature :Hmm, ask someone else
First Thought Waking Up :Whats for breakfast?
Best Friends :xChant and Jenny9841
Weakness :none
Fears :nothing
Longest relationship :hmm, bout 3 months
Cheated Your Partner :hell no
Ever been beaten up :does my sis count?
Ever beaten someone up :no
Been Dumped Lately :nope
Favorite Eye Color :hmm, doesnt really matter
Favorite Hair Color :any
Short or Long :not to long but not to short
Height :bout my height
Looks or Personality :personality
Hot or Cutecute
How do you want to Die :peacefully
Been to the Mall Lately :yea
Get along with your Parents :dad, real well and mom.. depends on what i did or didnt do that day
Health Freak :no
Do you think your Attractive :depends on the day
Believe in Yourself :completely
Want to go to College :yea!
Do you Smoke :no
Do you Drink :no
Shower Daily :yea
Been in Love :yea
Do you Sing :yea
Want to get Married :after college
Do you want Children :after college
Hate anyone :not 'hate' but dislike yea
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Yeni İnsanlar
İstek Listem
* vanilla blonde curl¤C¤ Pink Luxurious Villa[SD] Hotties!! O.O~~Pink Ice Pool ReclinerHeavenly Pink Fountain
(A) Candy Spa Trampoline(A) Candy Cool Lounge(A) Candy Cool Tan Bed(A) Candy Spa Massage(A) Candy Spa Treadmill
(A) Candy Cool BarPink Ice Pose Raft(A) Candy Cool Hot Tub69 Seduction - Pink(A) Candy Cool Tube
[ACS]CUTE GIRL- 10 POSESspacerspacerspacerspacer
Benim URL
What Caity Means
C is for Captivating

A is for Animated

I is for Industrious

T is for Timeless

Y is for Young
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friendly Friends 10
visitors Visitors 852
kharma Gifts 1
generosity Generosity 6

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Özel Biri
love u so much!!! i dont care if we broke up but i do. and i mean every word of it!! its so imposssible to b mad at u cuz ur such a great person, u catch me when i fall and help me get back on my feet. thanx. i wuffles u so much!!
more ppl that deserve this spot.. Ch4rmingCharlie - my bestest bestie of them all.. but i love all my bestie equally. and im so lucky to especially have him bcuz he has known me ever since i made my account. and im so glad that i met him. my entire life changed and when i met him i felt like i had belonged here at IMVU. thanx charlie!!! ur the coolest!! i wuffles u lots!!!
Shelby8690 - shes the funniest person u will ever meet!! u gotta b her friend cuz she knos how to make u laugh and she has always helped me stand back up when i fell.. even when certain ppl kicked me when i was down.. and when i had such a rough day, she was always there for me when i needed her. and ill always b grateful of that.. thanx shelbers. i wuffles u ( like a sis )!!!! and shelbers if ur readin this.. then u should kno u really deserve this spot. and all these words that i said.. they r real. i mean it bffl !!!
Jenny9451 - my bestest sis in the universe!! shes always here for me and i kno i can trust her. shes the best sis u can have. i luvs u to jenny!!!
littlemissperfect96 - my real sis. shes awesome. we get into fights but i still love u sis.. i will always b here for u and u can always trust me. ill fix everything!! well i will try my best put it that way. lol luv u kuri.
Yunie68 - shes awesome and shes one of my newest besties. shes awesome and i can always trust her with anything, and she wont judge me. she never takes things the wrong way.. she understands me and im glad i met u yunie. luv u to.
Crazy4Animals - This is Meg!! Meg is such an awesome gurl!! shes always knowing what to say to her friends and she never makes anybody sad cause shes just really good at that lol, shes one of my best friends and anyone who dislikes her is missing out on sumthin awesome so u better not dislike her lol or ill throw skittles at u.. lol
İlgi Alanlarım
Answer 3 questions
right to see what's
Locked Inside!
What's inside?
Inside this locker is something so top secret.

Question 1: Whats my favorite color?
A) Baby Pink
B) Baby Blue
C) A & B

Question 2: Who do I look like?
A) Hannah Montana
B) Ashley Tisdale
C) I dont kno

Question 3: What are my 3 favorite things?
A) Mountain Dew, Athletics, Linkin Park
B) Pepsi, Shopping, Rihanna
C) Sprite, Photography, Carrie Underwood

Make Your Own Locker
rock, Friends, Painting, Drawing, music, animals, dogs, Pictures, tennis, swimming, shopping, Soccer, Chatting, sportz, leo, Cheerleading, relaxing, Flip-Flops, august, linkin park, track and field, mountain dew, CSI: Miami

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