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Avatar 2007-05-12'den beri
Age: 33
Porta Riko
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"lookingg forr thee right chika"

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İstek Listem
Put yOUr arms around her waist and whispEr in her ear SO she knOEs your there and feels that your near Make her feel wanted every chance you get Show her a time that she'll never forget Hold her close when she's cold Tell her that youll be there for her when she is old when you are alone hold her close and kiss her Make her feel safe from the evil you deter Kiss her on the tip of her nose To let her know of the love that flows put your arm around her as she puts her head on your shoulder Let her know that your love will grow stronger as you grow older then lean in and tilt her chin and kiss her lightly Let her know you dream of her nightly :]

TYMEZ iss a fake ass biteer and jacked ma shyt i wrotee ^ so he fake as hEll and i wrotee dis shyt myself so fuck youu ni99a

*CS* Blue LuvN0tes Hoodi*CS* Cool Dude [b] topMile High l)unks - GrayMile High Tee - Gray*CS* Cool Dude [b] shooz
*CS* Blue Luvii LacelessJ$ Premium Navy/Orangespacerspacerspacer

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