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darkfaeriechick2654 has no special someone.
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"Panther" Tiger#13 Flower inloveRed vs Blue: Light Red Fspacerspacer
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Like the layout? thought so...if you leave a messege i can make you one....also..it'd be nice of you(not begging...no pressure whatsoever(lol) to do this) to buy me somthing from my wishlist...preferably(sp?) one of the cheaper ones...thanks...(i also make flash stuff) i have a list of shame...(ppl who arn't nice...) DeezyDee- reason: calls everybody a bitch, is lazy, and thinks he is hottest person ever, i regard that as egotistical crap...if he sees the error of his evil ways (and appologzes) i will take him off... END OF LIST I will be very(ok...extremly) grateful if you would buy somthing of my wishlist...but you dont have to...i'm not begging....and if you dont....well...thats okie-dookie
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