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Avatar 2007-07-16'den beri
Age: 36
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"I\'m Smilling That Alone Should Scare You"

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Hey easy i'm me thats all there is like me love me hate me loathe me it's up to you. just don't tell me i'm a freak i already know that,for those of you who are much like me "il talk to you in the future" to those of you who despise me "il see you in you're dreams"
Relationship Status: Single
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bloodstainedlips666 has no special someone.
İlgi Alanlarım
Where was your soul born?[pics + detailed answeres]

Your soul was born in blood.You have one tragic soul, do you know that? It's not your fault, but your soul was born in crimson puddles of blood, making you vengeful and filled with hate. You don't know why you hate the world and everyone around you, you just do. You shut everyone out and you don't want to bond with anyone, but not because you're afraid. You just want people to stay away from you so you can be alone. You used to have an element connected with your soul, but your soul rejected the spirit of the element as soon as your soul was born. Which element you used to be ruled by is a mystery. It could be any element. But now you're just an empty shell and the only thing that keeps you going is the hate. Evil is maybe the right word to describe you with. You just want to see people get hurt, don't you? You care about no one but yourself and you don't want anyone to care or worry about you. Screw the world!!
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Friends, fire, gore, Drawing, Movies, death, Vampires, blood, CARS, ps2, Rollerblading, biting, guts, bendigo
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