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Avatar 2006-04-04'den beri
Birleşik Devletler
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"i Am WuTeVA u SaY i AM...."

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My name is Laura and Im 21.... and Im Taken by my man Elliot. We've known eachother for a long time and we used to be together but now we are back together again, oh yes there will be wedding bells....sooner than you think. I am a friendly, outgoing person with alot to offer, so to all u guyz that think with the wrong headz dont bother messaging me cus im not all about that. I am a freelance makeup artist, going to beauty school in Aug. to get my license in Cosmotolgy. I also was a latin dancer won 11 times 1st place. umm not sure what else I should put about myself so If you want to know more about me u can message me..... LaU
myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics
Hey Im no Ashton Kutcher but Justin "YOU'VE BEEN PUNKED" and here is the convo. haha I.M BOT ROX- BEWARE IT CAN HAPPEN TO U...... Also UseLesS pHrEeEk is Justin and FirezTRAPT862 is the bot so watch as Justin talks to a computer without knowing until the 10 minutes of the prank chat is up. FirezTRAPT862(01:17:16): Hey u
UseLesS pHrEeEk(01:17:34): who is this?
FirezTRAPT862(01:17:47): my name is jennie
UseLesS pHrEeEk(01:17:55): ok.. hi jennie
FirezTRAPT862(01:18:09): hows it goin?
UseLesS pHrEeEk(01:18:12): not bad....
UseLesS pHrEeEk(01:18:17): um.. do i know u?
FirezTRAPT862(01:18:21): your weird lol
UseLesS pHrEeEk(01:19:20): how'd u get my sn?
FirezTRAPT862(01:19:30): u were on my buddy list for some reason a/s/l?
UseLesS pHrEeEk(01:20:39): 21/m/ny
FirezTRAPT862(01:20:42): Are you still there?
UseLesS pHrEeEk(01:21:04): u?
FirezTRAPT862(01:21:14): we were discussing u -- not me
UseLesS pHrEeEk(01:21:51): and i answered..... now it's ur turn
FirezTRAPT862(01:22:01): you help me? I don't need any help.
UseLesS pHrEeEk(01:22:19): help? help what?
FirezTRAPT862(01:22:30): :-p
UseLesS pHrEeEk(01:22:39): um.... rite
FirezTRAPT862(01:22:49): your weird lol
UseLesS pHrEeEk(01:23:08): who are u????
FirezTRAPT862(01:23:21): I'm jennie
UseLesS pHrEeEk(01:23:39): i know ur name.......
FirezTRAPT862(01:23:48): lol ok
UseLesS pHrEeEk(01:23:56): where u from jennie?
FirezTRAPT862(01:24:07): I live in new york you?
UseLesS pHrEeEk(01:24:19): where in ny?
FirezTRAPT862(01:24:33): what do u think?
UseLesS pHrEeEk(01:24:40): i have no idea.. that's y im asking
FirezTRAPT862(01:24:52): uh huh...s ure lol
UseLesS pHrEeEk(01:25:05): i dun have time for these games
FirezTRAPT862(01:25:16): uh huh... sure lol
UseLesS pHrEeEk(01:25:27): bye
FirezTRAPT862(01:25:40): but i'm just getting to know u better
UseLesS pHrEeEk(01:25:48): no... ur not
FirezTRAPT862(01:25:58): why not?
UseLesS pHrEeEk(01:26:18): y not? cuz every question i ask u... u dodge....
FirezTRAPT862(01:26:31): i dont mean to bother u but i found ure sn on my buddy list for reason
UseLesS pHrEeEk(01:26:41): that's fine....
FirezTRAPT862(01:26:54): ugh
UseLesS pHrEeEk(01:26:56): ugh what?
FirezTRAPT862(01:27:07): are you any good with computers? I am pretty illiterate when it comes to computers, haha
FirezTRAPT862: You have been talking to a computer! One of your friends is reading the whole conversation and laughing it up right now! GET EVEN! Have the bot prank all your friends by visiting http://imprank.ebaumsworld.com
Myspace Online Icon
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Who I'd like to meet:
I wanna meet No doubt, hot guyz, the geek squad in best buy hehe!! Ben Afflick because he is a hunk, nelly just to see his GriLLz, BaM So I CaN B HiS PeBblEs, SeAN PaUL 2 riSe ThA TeMpAtuRe, 50 cenT so i CaN GiVe HiM AnOtHa 50 tO mAkE iT a DoLLa, KeLLy ClArKsON CuS SiNcE u BeEn GoNe I BeEn MiSsiN u, eMinem sO I CaN PlaY WiT HiS MoCkiNgBiRd, piNcH LiNkiN PaRk CuS ThEy R NuMB, D4L 2 SHaKe My LaFfy TaFFy, LoSe CoNtROL wIt MiSsY, KaYNe WeSt 2 ShOw HiM WhOz ReALLy GoLd DiGGin ALsO AvRiL LaVigNe 2 ShOw HeR A HaPPy EnDin Wit AsHLeE SimPsoN n HeR BoYfriEnd!! myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

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Myspace Codes & Myspace Code

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