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Avatar 2006-06-19'den beri
Age: 34 18+ Age Verified Yaş Doğrulandı
United States - ME
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"12.11.07 Forever and ever more."

See My Albums (1)

The name's Veronica. Most people call me Vee. I'm taken by the most amazing guy in the world and I've never been happier. I'm a proud furry and you either love my furry cute-ness or you don't. lol. I like and dislike many things and I'm not gonna list it all. I live by quotes and songs that explain my life, how I feel, etc. I think I'm bipolar or I have an anxiety disorder (more likely the second one). I'm extremely random. I'm always thinking about one thing or another. I often find myself wishing that my life was like some movies although I know it would never happen. I get what I need and some stuff I want but I'm never completely happy. That's cuz it's not all about possessions with me, it's about how life is in general, and although my life might seem somewhat perfect to some people, it's not. I just feel incomplete and inadequate sometimes. But I have an amazing boyfriend and great friends and family to improve my life and make it all worth it. =]

All I Have To Give
By Backstreet Boys
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Relationship Status: In a Relationship
Looking For: Friendship
Bana Ulaşın
Arkadaşlarım (4)
yup...these people are actually cool enough to be on my friends list...amazing, right?
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İstek Listem
this...this is all the cool stuff I wanna get...
Benim URL
MySpace page ----> http://www.myspace.com/veesmith
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Özel Biri
Josh is the most amazing guy in the world. I will love him forever and no one can take him away from me or me away from him. Forever and ever more, babe.
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Just thought I'd put some icons in this section for a little personal touch...
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visitors Visitors 157
kharma Gifts 1
generosity Generosity 7

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and oh, can't forget these people...these people think I'm so important that they've visited my page at least once...I feel so loved! =D

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