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About me~Q&A

I'm just going to be answering common questions and tell you a bit more about myself here o3o~


Name: Olii

Age: 15

Birthday: June 16th.

Relationship status: In a relationship


Colour: Red, Cyan, Green, Purple, Black

Animal: Wolf or Snow Leopard

Food: It always changes bllehh

Drink: Pink lemonade Lucozade or Brazilian Lucozade

Do you have...

Piercings: Yep ~4~ 2 stretchers, 1 cartilage, 1 nose piercing

Long, short or medium hair: Short and looking damn fabulous ;)

Pets: Yes~ 5 cats; Louie, Scarlette, Patch, Crilly and Harry. 1 Dog; Max. 2 Budgies; Snowdrop and Bluebell.Fish~ A lot of tropical fish and a goldfish named sparks

This or That

Cats or dogs: Both ;3;

One Direction or Asking Alexandria: No thought has to go into this. Asking Alexandria all the way.

Dubstep or pop-punk: Pop-punk.

Tattoos or piercings: Ohhh.. Difficult. They're both fab. Hm, I'll go with piercings simply because I have no tattoos personally.

Computer or xbox: I cannot choose. That isn't even a lie.

Eat in or out: Hm, depends how lazy I'm feeling.

high heels or flats: Flats all the way. Heels are uncomfortable.

Texting or Calling: Texting.

iPod or MP3: I don't care as long as I can listen to my music for a standard amount of time.

Hollister or American Apparel: I don't shop at either. Ebay should be an option.

I think that's about it for now.

~I don't often accept friend requests simply because I'm not often online but feel free to PM me.

Ahoy, take a look around. Feel free to leave me a PM and check out my products (CURRENTLY IN MAJOR UPDATE) * Want to stalk? Why the hell not. *




Facebook (I don't use my FB anymore but I'll leave it here incase I ever do)


~I don't often go on my Facebook and Twitter but I thought I'd link it anyway~


Thanks for visiting ~ Check out my shop ~

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