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boşluk bırakıcı
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Avatar since: 13.06.2006

United States
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Relationship Status: Married
Looking For: Other

About me

  • Name: Ksy, K, Ksynu, KS
  • Race: Blk/French
  • Relationship: NOT LOOKIN
  • Preference: MATURE WOMEN ONLY
  • Drink: Hell Yeah
  • Smoke: Fuq No
  • Likes: Music, Muqik, Musiq,
  • Dislike: Rudeness, Cockiness, Insecure Ppl, GHETTO ASS FEMALES,
  • Im jus on here to khill if you a lowkey person FWM, but I am a str8 ASSHOLE if you act dumb, miss me with that shyt if you got drama, are drama, and/or if you on some BULL, Dudes I dont want yo bytkh so Khill out, on the internet shyt other then that if you koo and kan hold a CONVO that is a must hit me up,
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