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Avatar 2006-06-19'den beri
Age: 36
United States - AZ
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"Just your friendly neighborhood tentacle monster."

See My Albums (1)

First of all i'd like to say, if i'm online feel free to invite me to chat, i'll almost always accept. that being said my name is Ryan, or Rygger, or topHAT, depending on when and where you met me. Ok, now that you know who i am you might want to know something about me, well i'm always interested in meeting new people, if you live in my area and want to say 'Hi' or if you live a quarter turn clockwise around the globe from me i'm just as happy to chat with you sometime, i am currently looking for some sort of adventure to get my life moving and would very much like to travel if it were not for the one small problem of funding such an expedition, i would however enjoy greatly if you would leave me a nice little message or send me a chat invite if i happen to be on, with that said i leave it up to you to contact me if you wish to learn more about this charming and interesting person that is me.
Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Other
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thanks for dropping by, leave a message if you like and take with you the knowledge that in return i will visit your page and possibly scribe out a few of my often spontaneous thought bubbles, which i've been told shine quite nicely when caught in just the right light.
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Özel Biri
SilverDracora has no special someone.
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