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Avatar 2006-01-07'den beri
Age: 38
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"Introducing The Scarlett Jester"

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About me:

Scarlett Jester

Urd of Ah, My Goddess

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scarlettjester is a captivating, intoxicating individual. Around scarlettjester, birds suddenly appear, and choruses of angels sing hymns to scarlettjester's bonny face. Sadly, unless scarlettjester tells you more about scarlettjester, this is all you'll ever know about scarlettjester.( I found this quite funny!....it's the default on my suicide girls profile.)

I am as far from that person as can be, at least the Scarlett Jester part of me. If any angel ever sang of her, it be to let you know that the end is near. She is the Bittersweet Apocalypse. The harliquinn Dancer, that lead the way to your destruction. The tainted mother of the Forsaken Children. The Queen of the Roaming Gypsies. The Twisted Dream That Doesn't End. Confession of a Dangerous Mind. The constant dreamer with a blackend soul. Artifically Shallow. The lovely deciever with a heart of gold..... Yeah, she is my favorite character from a book that I am writing with my sister. I tend to user the Name a lot because it was original a stage name. If you have read this far and didnt leave ..now you get to know about me. I am 20, from florida but Im original from brooklyn, NY. I am studying at the Art Institute of Ft. Lauderdale...I'm gonna get my bachlors in Graphic Design. I love what I do, but I didnt at first...becuase I original came to the school to become a fashion designer...but had a rude awakening when I saw that it I couldn't go into that field for reasons I explain later if you read on about me. So, I went into graphic design not know what to expect. At first, it was really strange and I didn't do that great...i felt like a lost puppy...aww..poor me!....but anyways...I got a hang of it and I absolutely love now...but I hate hurricanes...they always fuck up my school schedule...grr.. I also do some web design...I dont get into all the flash stuff because I haven't learn that yet...but I do a pretty bad ass web site, i must say!...so, if anyone needs, graphic or web design, hit me up at scarlettjester@mac.com...I kind of Busy with school at the moment but I find in my schedule to hook you up. if you have anything else to ask just send me a message...on my Myspace...fudgin' zombies!

Name: Natacha Ortiz

age: 20 (cancer)

Hair: Normally Black...

I've had it blond, blue, green, red, purple and currently black and red

Eyes: Dark Brown

Height: when standing 5'8, when sitting about 3'8 more/less

Race: Hispanic/Indian

Religion: Catholic by birth....but undecided about religion.... all I know and feel is that there is something bigger than me out there!

Piercings: two sets of regular bottom piercings, one piecing on the top of my left ear(counts as two piercings), and my lip piercing.....I had my nose pierced when I was 12, but it lasted an hour.

Tattoo(s): Triple Goddess Cresent on my right hand.

Future tattoos: DeathBat on left wrist, and a rosery with my Uncles name on it on my right wrist.(R.I.P.)....

Hometown: Ft. Lauderdale, FL---but originally from Brooklyn, NY

Smoke/Drink: No/No

Education: Attending Art Institute of Ft. Lauderdale, FL

For a living: Graphic Design student, Web Design

Live For: Music, Singing, Art, Photography, etc.

This is my Little...or as I call it "My Lesbian Twin Sister Sperated by Seven years". I love this girl to death so, fuckers better not mess with her or I will Fuck you up! She's is the cure for right block, my Soul sister for lyf..My partner in crime. My baby doll and secret keeper. She's what use to be my little piggy, and know she's evolving into a beautiful Swan. This girl is My best friend and no one could ever replace her. Ilove you girl! Oh, and youR Souffle is Burning hun!


Santa's Naughty Little Helper


Kissing Jimmy Urine= 1 dollar
Getting an STD from a rockstar= Priceless

Well, I almost deleted this part of my profile but then I decided to use it....so...here it is!!!!
I'm not quite sure what I'm gonna put here...maybe some of my art...maybe even so pictures of people,some bands, and different things what ever I feel like putting I guess...We'll see how it goes.
These are my two favorite bands, and I know their very different but I dont care cuz I love them!!!
Mindless Self Indulgence

Avenged Sevenfold

This is Holly and My sister Soli

following is Icons!

My Random Thoughts

Well, today I made my grandmother act like a gangsta!! She said,"Ass whore, Niggah Bitch, & Pho-shizzle My Nizzle!!!"...really funny!!
I have more of my gradma coming soon maybe even a video...

I hate Fish Flavored milk....I would know!

I think Jimmy Urine looks like a Backstreet Boy in this picture
Marilyn Manson - Tainted Love

Marilyn Manson - mOBSCENE

Marilyn Manson - (S)ain't--banned--

links have been disabled...for links to the banner please message me.

This one I made:

My Icons







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