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Welcome to my Page ♥

(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥DP Commission cost♥

Cash: ( US): $25.00 regular, $30.00 couples

Note: Expect to not hear from me until after 6:00 PM EST. Working that 9-5 Lol

♥DP Creation Rules♥

1. Please have a planned idea for your DP. Once it is finished small changes can be made to it but I will not stray away from your original idea.

2. Do not ask me to copy the work or art style of someone else. An original style is important to an artist and should not be copied or stolen. This includes copy righted characters. Be original and respectful.

3. Don't be rude or disrespectful, I will either ignore you or block you.

4. Be aware that the time that it takes to create a DP varies depending on the DP. People, outfits, animation, details and demand can all play a factor in the time it takes to make. Rest assure that I will message you as soon as your DP has been completed. I do not appreciate feeling rushed.

5. I will always make every effect to have your DP finished ASAP but I'm human, I have a life just like you and sometimes I don't have time to make a DP or I have to step away from it to handle life. I will inform you if something comes up or I need extra time. Your patients is highly appreciated.

6. My DPs fall in line with IMVU's rules. No nudity, heavy gore, smoking, weapons, offensive depictions, etc. If you're not sure look it up or ask me. I will let you know if it is something I am uncomfortable with making.

7. You have the option to either pay ahead of time or after it is complete. I will send you watermarked samples of the DP for feedback but I will not send the unwatermarked finished DP until payments have been made. If you do not pay for your DP within 7 days time after you have been informed of it's completion your order will be canceled and your DP may be sold as a premade. You will also be excluded from requesting future commissions until Payment has been made on the previous DP. If you do not have the money to pay for your DP up front at any time then please wait until you do before requesting. I accept Paypal and CashAp. If you are interested message me for details. I don't like having to push this on people but I have to set a fair standard.

8. Please don't beg me to lower the price. A DP is a unique piece of art and they take a lot of time and effort to make. I could be charging a lot more for the time I put into them soooo...I think your getting a good deal.

9. Orders are taken by number. It's first come, first serve. Fair and square. Bribery and/or begging is a waste of your time and mine.

10. I don't make realistic DPs anymore! I stopped a long time ago so don't ask.This comes up a lot lol. ♥

I hope I did not scare you away. I am nice and would love to work with you but I am strict about these rules. Thank you for your interest and have a lovely day♥

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My Sandbox
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Details ♥

Age: 18
Birthday: 26/July
Height: 5'7
Status: Taken
Horoscope: Leo

Welcome to my Page ♥

Hello :D Thanks for stopping by.My names Maya, Feel free to message me or invite me to a chat if you have any questions or just want to hang out. I'm a pretty kind person with a wacky personality. I am also a big Tao, Kai and Sehun (EXO) fan girl ♥.♥

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