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Well, my basics are over there. →

If you’re here to know more than that about me, that’s fantastic!(:

The first thing you should know is that I try very hard to be nonjudgmental. Speculative, but nonjudgmental. ;) I will often come up with many possible conclusions as to why something is, but I will almost never assume that one of them is true. That means that (Well, I think it means that) I’m pretty easy to talk to about serious or personal things; it would make me ecstatic if anyone was comfortable enough to confide in me about anything, even strangers.(: That being said, I hope that you’ll do the same for me and get to know me before you pass judgment-- I happen to be a little sensitive to criticism. :’)

Alright, now that that’s out of the way.. Hi. I’m a girl. A short girl, only about 5’2 tall. I’m attracted to beauty (all types), not gender. I have two best friends that I could never live without, their usernames here are iScream and EmilySickleRawr - Check them out and get to know ‘em if you’re not busy, they’re awesome.(: Umm.. I’ve been told that I have a really dry sense of humor, but nearly everything makes me laugh. I get told “It’s not that funny” a lot.. I can be really bitchy if I’m in a bad mood so I apologize in advance if you catch me at a bad time, please just know that it’s not personal.(:

I don’t really have a life, so I spend most of my time being one of those crazy internet people, playing video games, writing stories, and spending time with my dog. Umm.. Well, that’s all I got for now. I’ll edit this later and kinda add some stuff in, but I didn’t want this box to be blank forever.

If you’re interested in getting to know me, don’t hesitate! I like to make friends.(:

Livvy, Ophilla, Ouisa, Satan



Single, not interested

United States

Kaya! Maman! Little Miss! :3
I'm running out of ways to express how much you mean to me, honestly. We met here 5 whole years ago, and we’ve been inseparable since! I can’t imagine life without you, I’d be a miserable wreck. You know more about me than anyone else, and I come to you about everything. I don't know how you deal with me. xD I'm difficult, and weird, and so slow sometimes, but you’re the one that sticks around and I want you to know that I love every minute of it. ♥

Homophobia kills. This page is LGBTQIA friendly. If you need an ear, I've always got a spare.(:
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Red Morgana

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