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Avatar 2006-09-03'den beri
Age: 31
Bieleşik Devletler - NJ
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See My Albums (1)

me, brittany :D
Aurora Layouts.

Photobucket Photobucket

hello/hey/hola/bonjour/hei/konnichiwa/विवाद/buna ziua/kαλωσόρισες/ciao.
my name's brittany, and i abuse translators. ^-^
also, i love whales, the twilight books (since november 2007, FTW.), movies, and music.
on the topic of movies, here's my favorites list :D : Little Miss Sunshine, Manic, Strangeland, Half Baked, Juno, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and many more. that should give you an idea about how my mind works. xD
and music? i listen to a shit load of it, all sorts of different genres too. except country though, that's where i draw the line. x3 check my music playlist and have an orgasm. ;D
my bffl's are alex and morgan. they're my hoes for life, i loooove themm.<3
i live in new jersey. it stinks here. literally. D:
i'm 14 as i write this, but i turn 15 on july the twenty-sixth. (woo-hoo! ;D)
i have an account on pretty much anything. twitter, habbo, myspace, facebook, whatever. xD
want them? ask me.
i'm never on here anymore. :3
i'm just another straight gal for gay rights. i think people are idiots nowadays<3
i weigh more than i should, but i'm working on it. junk food's not worth not having a boyfriend ever.
(hellooooo, wii fit!)
^^; anywayyy, im sure i dont sound that boring, so fuckin' add me already!! :D
lovee, brittany<3
Aurora Layouts.
Aurora Layouts.

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Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Friendship
Özel Biri
MindfreakBrittany has no special someone.
Friends :D

alex, i love you like you love to jerk off. which is a lot. ;D <3

Aurora Layouts.


morgan, morgasm, ninjasexunicorn, any of the other names i've given you, i love youuuuu mucho mucho mucho, puta!! :D <3

Aurora Layouts.

Music :)
you should listen to. ;D
Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

İstek Listem
list :D
Aurora Layouts.
<A> Twilight stamp$Colourless Tank Sombre$Kietsu Hospital - OSHUN[SD] Kiss Risk x.X`ZombieLove
Little Panda$Kietsu Hospital - BLAST$Kietsu Hospital - LOL[SD]Fabulous NOW!^0^$Curious Lolita
!!Tragedy - Fash On$Sakuranbo LolitaCookie Lovespacerspacer
boşluk bırakıcı

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