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boşluk bırakıcı
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Avatar since: 19.11.2019

Age: 45  18+ Age Verified Age Verified
United States - PA
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"A True Alpha Does Not Lead By Barking Out Commands Like A Dog. They Lead By Example"
Relationship Status: Seeing Someone
Looking For: Chatting

Master Eisenwolfs Real Life

Occupation: Silver Jeweler and Historical subservient female cothing designer

Traditional Native Name: Adisi Tali Waya = Running Two Wolves

Ancestry: Half Cherokee, Comanche, and Aztec

Height: 5'9" (ca. 175 centimeters)

Body type: Few extra pounds

Children: None

Want Children: No

Marital status: Single, Never married

Transportation: Has a driver's license but no longer can drive

Drinks: No

Smokes: Yes - Tobacco pipe

Education: High School Graduate

Education Course: Fashion Designing, Textiles, Upholstery and Commercial Sewing

Beliefs and Practises: Traditional Native, Wicca, Paganism, Shamanism,

Master Eisenwolf

Primitive subservient bindings made from wild plants and tree bark

Master Eisenwolf beleaves there is only one way to live that is well worth living and that is the real life of a 24/7, Strict No-nonsense Primitive, Native, and Primal, Alpha of thee old ways.

Master Eisenwolf takes the lifestyle quite seriously and it is neither a turn-on, game, fetish, kink or form of play for them.

Their native american and non-native ancestry is quite a strong part of their life. In addition to being charged with upholding the honor, respect and traditions of their lineage.

Master Eisenwolf's standings as the Alpha and head of their household dictates the compliance with old world ideas, positions and views. This philosophy has been part of their life for almost 24 years, making it part of everything they do and say.

Their diversity is evident in being a lifestyle trainer in the old ways of subservient etiquette, protocols, domestic household services including primal life..

Implementation of these skills is there for keeping and holding you to your words, actions and your place both as a female and as a subservient.

Master Eisenwolf's demener is always that of a relaxed, quiet, and peaceful one filled with deep thinking, misteriousness, intrigue, and a bit of darkness.

They possess a strong connection not only to their surroundings and nature but also with the energy and feelings of those around. Hiding such things from Alpha Nightwolf only will result in them finding and getting around your walls and defenses that you have placed.

Most times Master Eisenwolf doesn't even have to do anything, for all measures tend to fall themselves while your left there thinking what just happened.

When it comes to the mind and spirit of a female when around Master Eisenwolf, one finds out quickly that they feel a deep feeling of being safe and at peace with everything around them.

Master Eisenwolf's Real Life Pursuits

In addition to my vocation as a fashion designer, creator of historic, subservient clothing, and jewelry from various periods in history. I have lived a well-rounded life full of diversity.

Such as Acting; Modeling; Was an extra in a Hollywood movie when I was twelve; Woodcarving; Pottery; Many Forms of Art; Furniture Making; Gemstone Collecting; Gymnastics, Ballet; English horseback riding; Bait and Fly-Fishing; Fly Tying; Camping in Tents, and Cabins; Silver Jewelry-Smithing; Blade-Smithing; Black-Smithing; Archery; Primitive Bow Making and Tools; Knife and Tomahawk Throwing; and Primitive Survival Living;

A lot of this was done during the ages of five to twenty seven.

Master Eisenwolf's Travels & Destanations

Cherokee Council Building On The Cherokee Rez NC

Been to the eastern side of Canada and every state on the east coast except for Maine. Quite a lot of the art and history museums on the eastern coast; Some beaches on the east coast;

A lot of this was done during the ages of five to twenty.

At the age of twenty-one, I felt I had lived a full active life, and by the age of twenty-three, I had purchased my house in the country, and was ready to find the one who truly wished to be taken from a life of singularity and therefore be placed into my hands and shown what it means to be truly free.

Cherokee Round House

My Sandbox

A Better Understanding Into The Basics of Living A Primal Life


Subservient is merely an old-world word used in the lifestyle in the old ways to mean anyone who is prepared to obey others unquestioningly.

If someone says you'r subservient or that you are a subservient, they are saying that your personality or demeanor is that of someone who submits and does not have it in them to question the one they are submitting to.

"Her subservient primal nature to roll on her back

with her tail between her legs and

revel her vulnerable soft spots to the Alpha

is what prevented Him from lunging at her."

Primal Prey/Bitch

Primal prey is generally the role assumed by the subservient personality within a dynamic.

Primal prey desire to be hunted, chased, and overpowered.

This gives the subservient a chance to submit fully in a very physical and adrenaline producing way, but only after the Dominant has proved his strength, power, and control over them.

Primal Predator/Hunter

Primal predators or hunters, on the other hand, live for the chase- the hunt.

They desire to overpower and consume their prey.

This gives the Dominant a chance to explore the most raw and unfiltered aspects of their Dominance, to both physically and mentally overpower their prey.


This is a word used to define the part where the prey is overpowered and made to submit.

Although I said the prey is generally the subservient partner in the dynamic, this does not mean they give up the fight easily or submit throughout the whole of the interaction.

Generally the prey will fight back in a very physical and intense way- think a cornered animal fighting for survival but with a consenting partner.

The prey does ultimately deeply desire to submit, but not until they have been overpowered and the Dominant has proven their worth.

Primal Animal

Some primals may identify as a certain animal that speaks to their primal instincts.

This is different than a subservient pet (more on that later) but rather taking on characteristics of this animal during a scene.

I have seen primals who identify as wolves, lions, panthers and the list goes on.

Not every primal is going to have an animal- B for example simply refers to His primal side as “the Beast.” This is not a literal beast, but rather the unfiltered and beast like aspects of His human nature.

Bana Ulaşın

Contacting Master Eisenwolf

Any and all requests sent without speaking to me first or complying with my profile page will result in the immediate deletion of your request upon its arrival in my inbox.

I will not respond to anyone who doesn't send a private introduction first within the proper place.

You must be quite clear and specific as to what your intentions are when contacting me, followed by any requests you may have.

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Master Eisenwolf's Outfit

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Master Eisenwolf's IMVU Trading Post List

Arkadaşlarım (2)

Master Eisenwolf's Real Life & IMVU Acquaintances

I will only except requests to be added if we both have much in common such as interests, point of views or philosophy.

Acquaintances must keep in contact either daily or once a week on my discord, in my establishment, my inbox or in private.

Hearing from you only once in a blue moon will be taken as a request to be removed.

To be added to my list of acquaintances you must be at least 30 years of age or older.

" ( Unless you have shown some form of maturity and respect. ) "

I will not accept anyone who shows any amount of animosity towards those who consider themselves to be BBW, of the LGBTQIA+ community, is of any ethnicity or has a disability of any kind.

That also includes ill repute language towards them.

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boşluk bırakıcı
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İlgi Alanlarım

Words of Wisdom

"We are all animals whether you accept it or not.

There-fore it is best that you don't fight it or try to run from it. But embrace it; so you don't fall and become prey to it."

( Adisi Tali Waya - Running Two Wolves of the Stalagi Aniwaya - Cherokee Wolf Clan )

Read over my home page completely before sending any chat or friend requests. Any & all requests sent without complying with my home page will result in the immediate deletion of your sent request. If You're IMVU Only Don't Waste My Time.
Benim URL

Primal Music to Lead Your Mind, Body, Heart, and Soul

Where They Belong

The Real Cherokee Village In NC

And Our Way Of Life

The Taking of & Guidelines For the Subservient

Trial Procedures

When placed in a trial period you must provide four names to be referred to as, for Master Eisenwolf to choose from.

If you are unable to provide a name then one will be provided to you by Alpha Nightwolf that you may not like. So make sure you have one so you don't get stuck with a permanent reminder name to remind you of your mistake.

Trial periods can last from one month or up to one year depending on how serious the subservient wishes to learn, serve and their behavior.

At the end of the first month or year, you may request an evaluation of your performance.

If you pass then your trial period will end and you will be placed into your permanent position.

Unless you request for an extension on the trial period to prove to me that your performance can be improved on and be better than it originally was.

A subservient never thinks of themselves and always places their D-type first, for that is their place to do so. It is just not in their nature to do so in any other way.

While in the trial period you should be using this time wisely to show your best behavior and working towards learning all you can about Master Eisenwolf likes and dislikes.

This way you can use such things to better serve and please Master Eisenwolf.

Subservient Webcam Training

Depending on what type of subservient you are, will determine what and how you will be trained.

Below is an example of what you would be trained in if you were an in-home domestic subservient.

At this point, you must have a webcam, mic, or phone device that has cam capability.

By having one, you can begin to practice your training while Master Eisenwolf watches over your progress and growth on Cam while also viewing the completion of commands, punishments, and rewards.

It also gives him the ability to see if aftercare is needed.

In addition, it gives you the ability to serve him before the allotted time is determined for you to be before him in real life.

Failure to apear on cam for any illegitimate reason will be considered an act of defiance and will result in your being dismissed.

I'm not on cam to serve you. I'm here to teach, guide, and prepare you for what's to come.

Webcam training will consist of the following

( 1. ) Basic training into how your aperance should be when on cam. This also includes how you are to dress and have your hair.

( 2. ) How to present yourself when on cam and when you have reached the ability to be before me in real life.

( 3. ) Basic understanding in the proper way of kneeling, sitting, standing and other position for different situations..

( 4. ) The proper way to speak to me, ask for things, what words you may and may not use and what tone is acceptable.

( 5. ) How to understand silent commands given by me using hand gestures. Also how to give silent responses and requests through hand signals.

This is for when I'm in the middle of conversations with others and you don't draw attention to yourself by having to interrupt the flow of things to request things or if I need you to do something and not have to stop the conversation to give you a verbal command.

In Person Subservient Training

Speach Training: How to speak to a D-type, Ask questions, Respond to questions asked, Offering, Asking for permission, Making Requests, & Responding to commands,

Positioning Training: Kneeling, Sitting, Standing, Walking, and correct placement of your Butt, Feet, Hands, Back, Eyes, & Head.

Food Training: Cooking and the use of natural ingredients, Cooking time management, & Food dietary needs management.

Cleaning Training: Time management, & dress.

Dining Training & Preparation: Placement of table wear according to the type of meals served. The proper way of adding and removing items during a meal.

Dressing Training: Preparation of clothing for the D-type, and yourself.

Other Training: Waking up your D-type, Bath preparation & after procedures for your D-type, & Grooming.

Primal Bitch/Pet Training

Those seeking to be a pet will be trained in the following areas.

How to shed off the skin of humanity to achieve a deeper understanding and connection with your animal within.

Pet feedings

House training

Pet skins and care

Animalistic behaviors & tendencies

Answering the call of nature as your animalistic self.

Submissive animalistic positions & poses fitting to your species

Words & Actions That I Will Not Tolerate From My Subservient

If any of these are done by you it will result in your immediate banishment

For those wishing to understand the reason for banishment, it is merely common sense. If the subservient can't be trusted to follow simple rules, and break my trust.

How can they be trusted that they have completed the simple tasks that were given to them?

A Alpha/Master must be able to trust his subservients at all times, even more so if he is performing activities that could harm the subservient if the subservient tried to push themselves and their limits because they got too wrapped up in the emotions and feelings of what was being done.

( 1. ) Breaking my trust in any shape or form online and in real life.

( 2. ) Lying to me in any shape or form online and in real life.

( 3. ) Any and all sexual acts done with anyone other than myself online and in real life. Unless it is with anyone else who belongs to me.

( 4. ) If you ask me to be your vanilla boyfriend or ask that I leave the lifestyle for you.

( 6. ) Vanishing without any word or reason

( 5. ) Cutting, marking or inflicting self harm on yourself.

If you need to feel pain, just ask. Don't do it yourself, and Master Eisenwolf will give you the pain you need in a safe and controlled environment so you don't end up in the hospital or worse.

If any of these are done by you it will result in a punishment matching that of your transgressions.

( 1. ) Not speaking clearly and in detail or giving one-word responses when I ask a question when I'm talking to you online and in real life.

( 2. ) Doing things or going places without bringing it to my attention or asking first.

If it deals with doing something special for me then you only have to ask if you can do so for me.

Therefore letting me know first if you have to go somewhere to do it or get it online and in real life.

( 3. ) Talking back to me with a rude or disrespectful tone, comment or response online and in real life.

( 4. ) Keeping me waiting hours on end without any word online and in real life.

( 5. ) Raising your voice at me in a fit of anger or frustrated tone online and in real life.

( 6. ) Not following punishments or commands after it has been given. That includes trying to get out of it or pushing the subject online and in real life.

( 7. ) Calling me names other than that of my station online and in real life.

( 8. ) Stepping out of line and thinking you can tell me what to do. That includes telling me what you're doing without asking first online and in real life.

( 9. ) Swearing of any kind unless it's during times of pleasure and I'm taking what is mine to do with as I please online and in real life.

( 10. ) Running and hiding when I'm speaking to you or when your being reprimanded online and in real life.

( 11. ) Putting yourself down in any shape or form online and in real life.

( 12. ) Having pity parties in any shape or form online and in real life.

( 13. ) Not turning your cam on when given a command to for training purposes.

( 14. ) Not eating properly. This includes only eating once a week and only eating tiny portans.

( 15. ) Punishing yourself without being told to and not giving me a good reason as to why. That also includes not asking how the punishment should be carried out.

Özel Biri
My Sexy Bitch

Master Eisenwolf's Real Life Subservient

Real life subservient photo is placed here when they have been taken

My Recent Visitors (4)

Master Eisenwolf's Recent Visitors
