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Avatar 2005-08-23'den beri
Age: 38
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"Get Bless or die tryin"

See My Albums (3)

Hello~! Welcome to my... well... "well done" page =.=""" I'm a chinese from Malaysia. Currently a diploma student studying business and I serve as a make-up artist in a local Church ministry. I like western culture... i'm weird and yes i am XD this is my picture here in my page btw, if it doesn't look good to you well i just hav to say sorry. Beauty is in the eyes of a beholder. God bless ya, IM me anytime =) -My Interests- PC Games, arts, music, cook, harajuku, rock, anime, bling, hometown, photography, jokes, western culture etc etc Here is myspace http://www.myspace.com/joannalye not much on blogging but it does have my details =) Sorry for those i never reply coz i've been away from imvu for awhile, thousand apologies, im me when u see me coz i'm on again XD
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