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yes this is my wish list u dont need to get me anything all i ask for is ur friendship and kindness !but!*dose very cute puppy eyes*if u want to u could get me somthing lol
Ash Blonde Suzu-chanWolf LoveWOLF WITH MOVING WATER..White Satinspacer
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Avatar 2007-09-27'den beri
Age: 32
Yeni Zellanda
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"Hi! Everyone Want To Talk!"

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Hi You can Call me ChiChi if you wantIm 16 Im a furry and i like beening one im new to imvu and beening a furry and im hopping to make friends*cute smile*im fun,caring,loving,funny,cool,sweet i love to sing and play around with friends im not that tall im slim i have short brown hair brown eyes light skin fall lips i dont like pervs! come on im a furry not a slut -.-''if i had a boyfriend i would not hurt him or see other men HOPE TO TALK SOON! IM ME PLEASE!
Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Relationships
Arkadaşlarım (4)
this is all my friends i love them all and if anyone trys to mess with them thay will have to talk to me >:( lol anyway hope we can be friends!
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What kind of dragon are you? ( Cool pics!!!)

You're a green dragon! You're a nature lover. You don't mind humans, but if they destroy the forest then they better watch out.
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Current Location:New Zealand
Eye Color:brown and green
Hair Color:Brown
Weight:i dont know but im not big
Overused Phraze:So cute or i guess im not blushing!
Food:japanese food
Color:pink and black
Drink:most drinks i like i guess O.o
Alcohol Drink:no
Body Part on Opposite sex:
This or That
Pepsi or Coke:cake
McDonalds or BurgerKing:mcdonalds i guess -.-''
Strawberry or Watermelon:Er this is a hard one! i cant pick :'(
Hot tea or Ice tea:none!
Chocolate or VanillaUmm...Chocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee:hit chocolate yum!
Kiss or Hug:both
Dog or Cat:dont make me pick!
Rap or Punk:both
Summer or Winter:both i guess
Scary Movies or Funny Movies:lol er...both i guess
Love or Money:Love and maybe...monet =:p
Bedtime:when i feel like it
Most Missed Memory:To be loved...
Best phyiscal feature:eyes and lips and maybe face...
First Thought Waking Up:need more sleep lol
Goal for this year:to go to japan and get a job and a boyfriebnd
Best Friends:dont have one sorry
Weakness:boys and cute things and babys
Longest relationship:1 year...
Ever Drank:no
Ever Smoked:eww! no
Ever been Drunk:no
Ever been beaten up:yes
Ever beaten someone up:yes
Ever Shoplifted:no
Ever Skinny Dipped:lol hell yea
Ever Kissed Opposite sex:yes
Been Dumped Lately:umm no
Favorite Eye Color:any
Favorite Hair Color:any
Short or Long:huh??
Height:has to be tailer than me!
Style:cool and knows how to look good
Looks or Personality:got to be kinda good looking and fit he has to be nice
Hot or Cuteboth lol
Drugs and Alcohol:none
Muscular or Really Skinny:muscualr
Number of Regrets in the Past:over 50 maybe
What country do you want to Visit:japan!
How do you want to Die:lol er... hard one i think i will just live forever mwhahaha
Been to the Mall Lately:yes!
Do you like Thunderstorms:yes
Get along with your Parents:no
Health Freak:no
Do you think your Attractive:yes maybe...
Believe in Yourself:no
Want to go to College:yes
Do you Smoke:no!
Do you Drink:no!
Shower Daily:yes!
Been in Love:yes!
Do you Sing:lol yes
Want to get Married:maybe
Do you want Children:0//.//O maybe
Have your future kids names planned out:no not yet!
Age you wanna lose your Virginity:*blushes*i dont know
Hate anyone:yes alot of ppl lol

what furry are u

u are a wolf
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What do Naruto Characters think of you? (GIRLS ONLY!)
Naruto: She's just like Hinata! She's so weird!Sasuke: She's... Quiet...Sakura: Aww.... She's so sweet! Kakashi: She's a great fighter, but she has a lack of confidence...Hinata: She's a lot like me, and I can talk to her about my problems.... She's my best friend...Kiba: She's pretty and nice. She's kina quiet, though.Shino: She doesn't mind my bugs...Kurenai: Like Hinata, I really adore her. She's so sweet and cute.Ino: She's a good person, but she needs WAY more confidence!Shikamaru: She's not too troublesome... She's okay.Choji: She's so nice to even me! ^_^Asuma: Hmm... I can't remember... Who is she again?Lee: She needs to be more energetic! She's to quiet!Neji: ....Tenten: Yes! Neji has a point! ((Me: Am I missing something? O_o))Gai: She is youthful, but she doesn't show it.Orochimaru: i have no need for suck a softie.Tsunade: She's very responsible and never complains about missions that I give her.Jiraya: She's pretty... But where's the action?!Gaara: .... Temari: Who?Kankuro: *Mutters to self* Do i really look like batman...?Nadare (Me): AWW! YOU ARE SO SWEET!! *Huggles*
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What Furry are you?

The Jackal. Your a pain in the ass and you love it. You sneak around loving all the attention you grab from people. You tend to stcik with a small group of your kin(friends) Your cousins are the Fox and Wolf. You're the wild one of the bunch. "Oops" is your sarcastic saying.
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What colour of wolf are you?

Grey WolfYou are a grey wolf. The elements which suit with you are Earth, Wind and Air. The Grey Wolf is a bit of a random wolf, the kind of wolf you first think of when you have to picture a wolf, but thats absolutely not complaining ;) The Grey Wolf stands for loyality, bravery and cooperation, and they like to be around others and can build up a very strong bond with them. Grey Wolves are loyal and faithful and let hardly ever somebody down.
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Gruplarım IMVU Gruplarına göz at!
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~*Furry Thing*~

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** Furry Friends! **

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*Furry Girlz*

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Furry Community

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