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Avatar 2006-05-23'den beri
Age: 40
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"God Blessed us he can bless you to"

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The name is Cynthia C or cyn for short my favorite video game is DISGAEA that game rock I love anime and horror flicks I read the Bible and do BIBLE STUDY its one of my new hobbys from time to time I have a wonderfull husband and the cutest little daughter here is a list of my friends IKE LISA KALEZ(my wonderfull husband) Danika Marjo Tanya Sarah KIM what i like to do best is write songs,sing and i used to model favorite foods are sea food meat and fruits my favorite animes are kibba bleach elfenlied ah my Goddess and of course SAILOR MOON i hate liars one day i want to speak japanese in everyday conversations To know more about me leave me a message ill get back to you as soon as i can
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LEARN JAPANESE BASICS WITH ME Ohayou-gozaimasu - Good morning. Short: Ohayou Konnichiwa - Good day, hello Konbanwa - Good evening Oyasumi-nasai - Good night. Normally used before going to bed. Short: Oyasumi Sayonara - Goodbye Arigatou-gozaimasu - Thank you. Short: Arigatou Sumimasen - Sorry, excuse me Gomen-nasai - Sorry, excuse me. Short: Gomen San - Mr/Mrs/Miss, honorific for someone of status equal to yourself. Is to be add at the end of the name Chan - Honorific for someone of status lower to yourself, and term of endearment for family and friends. Used mostly for females and is very informal. Is to be add at the end of the name Kun - Mr (junior), master, boy. Similar to chan, but mostly applied to males. Is to be add at the end of the name. Sama - Honorific for someone of status higher to yourself. Is to be add at the end of the name. Sensei - Honorific for professors, doctors, teachers. Hai - Yes. Iie - No. Ichi, ni, san, yon (or shi), go, roku, nana (or shichi), hachi, ku (or kyuu), juu - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.. to 10 Ittekimasu - I'll be back Itterasshai - Take care Tadaima - I'm back Okaerinasai - Welcome back! Ogenkidesu - fine. Eg, "Sakura-chan wa ogenkidesuka?" "Hai, ogenkidesu" Gakkou - School Kaimono - Shopping Daijoubu - safe, all right, O.K. Hajimemashite - How do you do?, I am glad to meet you, Nice to meet you Douzo - Please, kindly, by all means Yoroshiku - Please remember me, well, properly, suitably, best regards. Eg, "Hajimemashite, Syaoran Bear desu, doozo yoroshiku." Kawaii - pretty, cute; lovely, charming, dear, darling, pet Umi - Sea Ookii - Big Chiisai - Small Baka - Stupid. Heard this word in every anime! Doushite - Why Ashita - Tomorrow Asatte - the day after tomorrow Kyo - Today Getsuyoobi, Kayoobi, Suiyoobi, Mokuyoobi, Kinyoobi, Doyoobi, Nichiyoobi - Monday, Tuesday... to Sunday Tomodachi - Friend Tanjoobi - Birthday Dare - Who. Word normally used in Sakura's dreams Koko - Here Soko - There Asoko - Overthere Hayaku - Early, Hurry Matsu - to wait. Other forms: Chotto mattekudasai - Please wait a little. Issho - Together Ikimashou - Let's go Wakarimashita - I understand. Short: Wakata Wakarimasen - I don't understand, I have no idea Shirimasen - inpersonal reply saying "I don't know" Nandemonai - It's nothing! Meaning easy Shizumatte kudasei - Please be quiet Shizuka ni - Be quiet! Damare - Shut up! Onegaishimasu - Please. Short: Onegai Itadakimasu - Said before meals. I am about to partake. Gochisosama deshita - Said after meals, especially if being treated. Tomare - Stop
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