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boşluk bırakıcı
boşluk bırakıcı
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Any Messages with...
1) links to possible hostile websites
2) messages that can be considered Hostile in nature (cyber-bullying, etc.)
3) threats of any kind
... will be reported.
This is your ONLY warning
Not reading this warning or pleading ignorance will not be a valid excuse.

Otherwise, Welcome to my homepage.

Below is a list on known cyber-bullies. It seems that there are those who think it is their right to force others they don't like off IMVU by bullying them, telling them how worthless they are, how no one likes them, and that they should end it all.
Here is my position in that:
I catch anyone doing that, I report them. Afterwards, I add their name to the list for everyone to see. Not only is it a TOS violation, but in some cases, it is against the law and something that can get IMVU shut down. I'm also sure that the decent room owners don't want their rooms reported and closed because a so-called entitled few want to bully someone they don't like off IMVU.

Cyber-bullies to look out for

Bana Ulaşın

I have Discord. ID available upon request. I'm now on Second Life.

temas mesaj kişi ekle ilet engelle
Yeni Ürünlerim Tümünü Göster

Tee Shirt: Intelegent Exchange
All Clothing and accessories Prototype Black Blue Dark Red Green Yellow
Female Clothing and accessories Available Available Available Available Available Available
Male Clothing and accessories Available Available Available Available Available Available

Tee Shirt: Furry and Proud of it!
  Prototype Black Blue Green Red Yellow
Male Clothing and accessories

Swimsuits: GA type 1
"Britney" "Pamela" "Dolly" Maternity "Chelsea" "Chelsea" + Maternity
Black [BLK] Available Available Available Available Available Available
Dark Red [DRD] Available Available Available Available Available Available
Custom 02 [C02] Available Available Available Available Available Not Available
USA Flag Theme [USA] Available Available Available Available Available Available
Dark Purple [DPL] Available Available Available Available Available Available

Quick Links to Catalog

Entire Catalog
  +All Clothing and accessories
         +Female Clothing and accessories
         +Male Clothing and accessories

Kıyafetlerim View latest
Some outfits I've compiled. Some are past DOC entries.

Noted Outfits:

Digimon_Renamon Top 50 (placed: 49th) AP DOC Theme: Favorite TV Character
Lizard_Lady Top 100 (placed: 61st) AP DOC Theme: Lizard-Like
GreekTogaParty Top 100 (Placed 90th) AP DOC Theme "Greek Week"
Femme Feline Top 100 (69/70) DOC Theme "Cat Ladies" 10/11/2014
Beautiful Curves (10/13/2014) Technical glitch removed it from the contest. Ticket filed with CS- No timely response from CS, with interference of a DOC Moderator kept it out. Finally rewarded top 100 (2014-10-25)
Heavy metal Mayhem (10/20/2014) Removed from contest due to False allegations by corrupt DOC moderator that it broke content rules. (MCG, GA content) Outfit confirmed that it DOES PASS the old MCG. MGG skintone evidently updated after entry entered w/o announcement.

boşluk bırakıcı

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