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|MS|Custom Fitted w/trig|*MS*| Custom Toms|*MS*| African Tights|*MS*| African Bra/Shirt|*MS*|Custom Converse|*MS*| Red-Cheetah Tank
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Y000 !!! Dis Be ya Boi Jay. 14. I'm a layed back dude that likes to have fun. Nothing to serious ! Computer, watching Tv, Band, And education are my Hobbies. I Eat, Sleep, and breath music. That's My number one Passion. Well Enough About me . If u Want A lil More Info Jus Click "About Me" on tha left & leave a message by clicking on the right. Peace.
|MS| : Musically Swagged PLEASE support me and buy some of my products. To Get There click the "Support" Tab or just school down for the "My New Products" Panel. Thanks !
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Age: 13 Sex: Male From : NOYB Orientation : Straight Status : Taken [ ] Single [ X ] *I'm a layed back nigga not lookin for no serious relationship jus a lil "IMVU" Realationship . If U can't get wit it OH WELL , someone will . Duces !!
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