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Avatar 2006-05-20'den beri
Age: 32
United States - MN
Last log on:

"My love for Dani is undescribable!"

See My Albums (2)

This Website was made and designed on a 1600 x 1200 monitor using Internet Explorer 7, which would give you the best viewing capabilites while looking at this sight. I'm sorry if you don't meet these standards, but that's life, right? Wasn't that geeky?! "I try my best... :(" LOL
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See for yourself ;) Put in Michael (My full name) and Danielle (My girlfriend's full name). Then put in Doyle (My last name) and Laczko (My girlfriend's last name). But then put in Michael and Poop (I was surprised!)

Doodle For Fun,
Doodle For Joy,
It Makes You Happy,
Like A Childhood Toy.

Exspress How You Feel,
With Tiny Little Scribble,
Just Like Making Up Words,
Like Dribbleswibble.

Some Of Those Scribbles,
Will Turn Into Art,
Maybe Even A Masterpiece,
Rather Than Eww'd Like A Fart.

But No Matter How You Put It,
Scribble, Masterpeice, Art,
They Make Us Happy,
And Stay In Our Hearts.
Yeni İnsanlar
Last Christmas - Wham
İlgi Alanlarım

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love, anime, Friends, guitar, Art, Drawing, Movies, music, girls, Mike, science, tennis, irish, basketball, Danielle, beach, KingdomHearts, computer, design, sagittarius, Bikes, United States - MN, Frisbee, Technology, personalities
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temas mesaj kişi ekle ilet engelle
Özel Biri
Doidle has no special someone.
Arkadaşlarım (14)
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The most awesome furniture I've ever seen!

The Amythist Sisters!
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Yup, these are all my IMVU friends. All of which I've never met in person before, although I'd like to 8>D
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İstek Listem
Letrix Eyepatch (Anim.)Dragon Reflection EyesMatrix Energy EyesCyborg Circuit Eyesflame car
F> Laptop BlackSilverRomance RiverProudly made in the USASOLDIER BOY BundleGoten Jacket
Rai™ Shades Wave RedBatch 92™ Lshort BlackRai™ PoloVest BlueJean Jacket BlackShading Grey Hoody
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