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Avatar 2006-10-24'den beri
Age: 34
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"with love comes deep dark & paper cuts."

See My Albums (1)

heyy! thanks for visiting my page.. please leave a message
my name's Lilie, though you could call me that or Amber [:
my hometown is Singapore :DD
im a fun & loving & happy person, for real ;DD
music fills my life
friends are the greatest support & listening ears
& familyy is the air i breath in (:
without all this there would simply be no unique ME.

last of all, N0 CHAIN MESSAGES. They are all simply stupid.

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i just adore some developers with FABULOUS products like these ! i cant help to have the awesome products!

+Candy Pink Skinnys+ANN Boyfriend Sweater PUCaYzCaYz BabeLashesNG_BLMORF GijiBarbie Sakiyo[CRM] Ruffle Corset Pink
*Pc* Ready4Clubbing Mini-AB&RC- LeftNoseDiamond*EH*Pinky catCaYzCaYz MarciaInWhite{a}SatinOutfit Black
SeMosClassyLadyTubeDress!Swirlz! ChiyoG²| Samantha`s :Dress:!E! Black Plaid Pullover(Ð) Luscious Vibe Lashes
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Myspace Layouts Thanks guys. =DD

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