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Bu rozeti al Aislinn!
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Avatar since: 31.05.2007

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Özel Biri
AislinnORourke has no special someone.

AngelUponCloud --
Best-friend, girl-friend, sister from afar,
she's always there for me, even when she needs
a lift herself =) I love you, Sissypoo!!

Lola --
Best-friend, girl-friend, my other sister from afar,
You hasssss jokessssss!
I love you, Sis! =)

Method -- He always lifts my spirits, even when he's got problems of his own.

Every one of my friends is special to me, in one way or another. =) If I listed them all, and why they're special, my page would be ages in loading, and take forever to reach the bottom...

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İlgi Alanlarım

dragons books laughing "telling jokes" gimp "science fiction" "Anne Mccaffrey" P.E.R.N. "graphics programs" gimpshop "photoshop if I could afford it" Cool3D

Cancerian, UnitedStates
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