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Avatar 2006-07-19'den beri
Age: 36
Birleşik Devletler - CA
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Greetings and much candy from Teh Carrot Queen! Here, i will tell a little about myself. My legal name's Abigail, my birth name is Zayka, but call me Carrot. I was born in Norway, but we moved to America when i was only four. I'm a vegetarian/fruitarian/dairian/bread-eater/candy-eater thingy. I'm a lesbian; some thing about looking into another girl's eyes just makes me feel warm inside... (I'm currently taken.) I love Nature. I love Life and all things that live (even mean people), and i try my best to do as much as i can, now that my sister permits me to leave the house alone. That's one thing i should mention: I live with my sister. She's my legal guardian, so i live by her rules, until i move out. I love her to Death, but she some times is a major thorn in my side. You see, my sister sees me as her daughter, and she happens to be a very paranoid mother. I'm a freshman at Los Medanos College in Brentwood. I just recently renounced my faith in Christ... I do, however, still hold close to heart many of the morals in the bible. Any way, you can believe what you want to believe, and i will do the same, okay? I see Carrots as living, breathing creatures, and i treat them as such. I'm part Carrot and part Kitty Kat, in fact. The other half, of course, is Human. Cabbage and all other Veggies are ebil and must be devoured! I DON'T CARE IF YOU THINK I'M WEIRD! What's weird to one person is normal to another! I write poetry and paint and am currently taking violin and guitar lessons. I'm a very cheerful person, and i'm USUALLY (not always) nice to every one, despite how mean one may be. Not much else to say... Any way, i hope we can chat some time! Bye bye! (By the way, i only give gifts to people who are nice and polite, and i have to get to know you, first! Also, please, don't judge me by my avatar. I dress how i feel at the moment... Besides, it's not like i dress like this in real life... Well, some times, i do, but yeah.)
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Only add me if you're gonna talk to me, okie? Thankies! n.n
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I plan on getting this stuff on my own, but, if you're feeling generous...

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