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IMVU is lame now so, im hardly on ;/ if u wanna talk to me then just add me on yahoo or on SL [[Tiia Lavendel]] im hardly on Sl eitha lol && if u message me on here ii may reply like a week or two later..Only reason ii didnt delete my account is because im still gonna be gettin on to talk to my two mains [Keyah&&Bri) soo if u just happen to see me on the Messanger DONT I.M. me cause, yah ass will get declined unless u my two boos :] "If Id observed all tha rules Id never have gotn anywhere." -Marilyn Monroe. Photobucket
Va_fiinest@yahoo.com thumbs up Pictures, Images and Photos Tha name is Teyah not Tia :| had to remix that shii cause, ii wanted to be different lol ima very outspoken person buh ii can be tha shyest person in tha room all depends on how im feeln. Im tha laid baq type that acts goofy all tha time lol. I stand 5feet && 2inches 3 peircings (Ears && Tounge) && abouh to get a bar. No tats ;[ && ima girly girl haha. I listen to all type of musiq as long as it sounds good lol Lil wayne my favorite. I dislike stuckup people && Drama ii Like cookies, partyn :] Anyways ima wrap this up NATALIE ilyy Bang Bang && Kisses ;] "Im selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, Im out of control and at times hard to handle. Buh if u can't handle me at my worst, then u sure as hell dont deserve me at my best." -Marilyn Monroe
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The reason why ii even cum up here now. My beautifull sistah whom ii luv soo dearly. Bri ur a very intrestn individual everything abouh u is soo special to me from ur laugh to ur silly ways. No one culd eva fill ur place, ur more then just a "NET" sistah to me ii treat chu like a rl sistah ii rlly do cherish tha day ii met chu my whole net life changed lol..ur truely an amazing person && ii luv spendn every second with u (No Rainbows] cusz u keep me laughn && put a big smile on my face :] -ily PookieBear

Keyah ily soo much man u are like a real sistah to me ur crazy,loving,loud, soo many words can describe yo ass ur everthing ii imagined a big sistash wuld be like lol buh u always been there for me since ii came on this always by my side and ii appreciate that ii really dnt know what ii would do with out my keyah u just put a big smile on my face everyday even though u mean to me sometimes lol and we always have fun dance'n togetha lol ii just have soo many good memorys with chu too many to count -ily keyah :]

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