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Avatar 2007-01-23'den beri
Age: 33
United States - GA
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"RIP Farrah Fawcett"

See My Albums (1)

my names kyle ^_^ im 18 && i love to meet new ppl & learn new things about them ^_^ unless ur boring >.< if ur a boring person ill probably leave haha sorry! more interesting ppl out there to talk to =] I dont like people that think too highly of themselves either =/ Marilyn Manson is my FAV singer, as u may can already tell haha ^_^ hes my hero =]] hes like my biggest influence to sing, another fav is Sebastian Bach, he kicks ass!!haha, well thats about it talk to yall later ^_^ oh yea P.S. 1. i dont like fakes so if u have a fake pic of urself & i figure it out then im just automatically assume ur a pediphile, all my real pics are 100% real ^_^ 2. if u message me or i meet u on chat now & you "kick my ass" im just gunna assume ur a loser for "kicking my ass" on imvu cause u probably couldnt do it in real life cause ur too scared ^.^ 3. dont judge me, only i can judge me ^^ 4. i dont like beggers so no begging me to buy u something off ur wishlist cause i wont respond in a......cheerful mood as i usually do haha ^.^

Relationship Status: In a Relationship
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