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*Sen* PokerFace Nails*Sen* PokerFace V2 NailsRomeo and JulietRomeo and Juliet QuoteMecha SonicPhoenix Sticker
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Avatar since: 03.12.2007

Age: 40  18+ Age Verified Age Verified
United States - CA
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As I would always belong to him, so would he always be mine.*Bella*~New Moon~
Looking For: Friendship

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MyHotComments My kisses are more deadly than other girls.
Hmmmm...about me. Well I'm gothic and I'm very passionate about it, which I guess sets me apart from anyone else that's on here. I work at a fast food job at a place called Jack in the Box, and I go to a community college. I'm going to college to be a coroner and a crime scene investigator. Death just intrigues me. People may think that wanting to be around dead people for the rest of my life is disgusting but they are entitled to their own opinions. The truth is that I see them as the people that they were when they were alive. Death is a natural part of life and there are some people that can't see life like that. I want help who I can even if they are already gone from this world. I love gothic art and music. I play guitar, write and sing my songs. I have been singing since I was able to talk and have been performing and in choirs all my life. I can act very well and have been in plays. People that know me in real life say that I should have skipped college and went straight to Hollywood but I tell them that Hollywood isn't want it used to be. I love anything to do with vampires. I love reading vampire novels especially the "Vampire Chronicles" by Ann Rice and "Confessions Of A Vampire". I love horror movies. Sweeney Todd, Resident Evil and The Lost Boys are my favorite movies. I have a blood fetish so if that scares you then you probably shouldn't be here lol.
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Arkadaşlarım (51)
This is my buddy list. I have so many friends and I love them all but I only have so much room on here. The friends that I have up here mean the world to me. I would give anything to protect them and they would do the same for me. Everyone of my friends have something special that I like about them. There are also some them that I would like to know better because I have only talked to them a few times due to my busy schedule. But I do get back to everyone that writes me. If you have similar interests with me, then I offer that you add me as a buddy.
İlgi Alanlarım

This is the stuff that I am into. I know that this is kind of weird for a girl but I love video games, some anime and even manga. I wrote poetry and songs when I have free time. I love to write stories and that is what I mean by roleplay. Roleplay does not always have to be sexual, that would be Cybering and I don't do that so don't ask me. It is quite offensive to have someone just assume that because I roleplay means that I cyber, such is not the case with me. I have a boyfriend that I love very much and I tell him if someone is doing that to me. He gets very offended as well, and I wouldn't mess with him if I were you. So I say please don't invite me if all you want to do is cyber, you won't get it from at all. But if you want an honest open and clean conversation then feel free to invite me. I love metal music and HIM ( His Infernal Majesty) is my favorite band right now. I think that Ville Valo is soo hott!!!! Ville Valo, Dani Filth, and Seether are the hottest men in this world. Oh and one tip that I would like to share with you is this..."Don't knock on Death's door, ring the doorbell and run. He hates that." So have fun and play doorbell ditch with Death. He can't do anything to you until he catches you and even when he does catch you, it's only death. Death is only the beginning.

What Mythical Creature are you?
Your Result: Vampire

Are you comfortable in the dark? Love to wander? Find yourself watching people from a distance? Then your mythological creature is a vampire. Secluding themselves in darkness, vampires are often known to posess certain powers of attraction and manipulation over others, especially humans. Vampires often travel among humans, especially at night, feeding off their blood in order to survive. Vampires are known to have the most passionate love lives, connecting with their lover not only sexually, but emotionally, and on a physically dependend level, (the need for their mate's blood.)Vampires are driven almost completely on primal instinct, and because of this, are known to be darker, or evil.

What Mythical Creature are you?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz
What power do you have?

You Have the Power of Seduction.
You Have the Power of Seduction.
Like a siren you draw men into your seductive stare. You feed off their strengths and use their weaknesses to your advantage, and their one and only weakness.. is you.
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic
love, Developer, death, gothic, Scorpio, Videogames, Mythology, guitars, Concerts, Fairies, Partyin, ResidentEvil, thelostboys, silenthill, unitedstatesca, MetalGearSolid, metal music, HORROR MOVIES, tombraider, goth guys, heartagrams, emo guys
Bana Ulaşın

This is for the people that try to contact me while I'm online. I am available some of the time but when my brother, JT, is online then I am notorious for being in Do Not Disturb mode. If that should ever happen then please leave me a message, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

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boşluk bırakıcı
İstek Listem

This is my wishlist. If you wish to grace me with a gift then I would be most grateful. I know that it's kinda big, ok it's really big but I'm not asking anyone for anything. I'm not trying to seem greedy or anything, I just like the stuff on it. I plan on buying these things for myself in the near or maybe distant future. But I would like to thank those who buy me gifts in advance. My birthday is coming soon and I can't wait for it.

KISA|SuspendMeOutfitAlliyCat92_Outfit_1KIKI|2012BeMineSuit!LOVE Sweatpants:Blk+Pnk*Seduction|MX|BluJean
(D)Sneakers Cs2 Girls!LOVE Tank Top :Pnk+Blk:!LoveStruck Bikini :MX!Keala Outfit :Dark GrayEnvy Lower Back Tattoo
B2N-NA Couple Tat[CP]Sexy Emo OutFit[CP]Emo OutFit[CP]Guyz Love Me Tee Top[CP]Black Ruffle Dress
[CP]Emo Dress!  Emo dress!  Emo Skull and Stripesspacerspacer
Emo Fairy Pictures, Images and Photos
My Recent Visitors (0)
My sweet and precious visitors, please don't be strangers any longer and leave a message to introduce yourself. Even if you can't think of anything to say. You had me at "Hello". I do not cyber so if that is all you want then you better around and go back where you came from. For all I know you could be a fat 40 year old horny man looking to get his jollies so no not up for that. I do roleplay but that is completely different from cybering. Roleplay is a story done with a friend or a group of friends and has nothing to do with sex at all. So if roleplay is your game then that's coolness to me. Always looking for someone to write with. Not to intimidate anyone but I have been told that I am good enough a writer to write a book if I wished to. I love to write it's a passion that will never die. So I would love to meet someone like that. I always enjoy your visits. Come back and see me again.

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