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Age: 50
United States - OH
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Trying to be the best day at a time!!!!
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You are the Dark or Light side of what Element?

You are the Light Side of Water.You are a very sad person. Your whole life revolves around a constant wave of loneliness. You try to live in peace through music and sound. You love the sound of the air, the fresh scent of flowers, and the rythm of the waves. Your Life Resembles: Musical Tides.
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fullmetal74 has no special someone.
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myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics
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Twilight Bundle Male{KC}Whispering moonsmileAre you stalking me?AWESOME DRAGON#2
blue dragon wingsReaper WingsBlood Omen Skinspacerspacer

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