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Dudeman's Homepage

Feel like Getting yourself a Logo/Watermark?
Message me! or Join my group!

Wanna get a custom furry alongside a Logo/Watermark? Join my group!
Want only a Furry crafted to your liking? Join this group for glory!

First off, Welcome~ Glad you made it!
I'm a Journeyman Hobby-programmer, Logoartist and
soon-to-be Bachelor and then Master of "Language, Culture and Translation".
I'm a furry and overall Gaming nerd.
I love me some D&D, Oblivion, Hatsim2 and just about any other game out there, other than horror games.

I may someday also become a rookie Voice Actor, if I ever grow the balls to start using my audio equipment for recordings

Wanna Support me? Grab my banner and stuff it in your room!

FAQ goes here.
Got a question? Ask away!
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