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boşluk bırakıcı
boşluk bırakıcı
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Avatar since: 04.04.2008

Age: 31
Last log on:

Live for now, forget forever.
Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Friendship

hello and welcome.
meaning: promise
half australian/filipino

i live in the northern territory in a small town called nhulunbuy that no one has heard of. it’s a nice place though. i like to play video games such as halo, call of duty, super mario bros. etc. i listen to rock, metal, hardcore, rap, pop, indie, acoustic. so any genre really. i like to watch anime. i find myself in awkward situations all the time. i youtube alot of things. i wish i could play the drums like joey jordison. i love giraffes. that’s pretty much it i think. k bye.

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Özel Biri
she's the sweetest girl i know. Love you long time wifey :)
İstek Listem
wishlist :]
[+] Dead Baseball Tank|F& boyfriend's shirte3e !Vest->Jacket Top v1|C| Loren BlackMy little vans
:Wat: POW! Tee| Cheap Black HoodieS|Casual Blazer Black F:L9}-Blessed.Tied|GreyT| Baggy Black Shirt |
P Triangle Deerwiz|lovebirds|necklace|f0B. Unholy What?!U† Cutting Loose[LM-PhloTop}Black/Sheer
button down silky tiedFloral Denim Vestw| anchor | swtr† basic swtr /charcoalspacer
boşluk bırakıcı
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