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FAKES OF AMY!!!! http://tr.avatars.imvu.com/Guest_BabyMinako fashion layout powered by HOTFreeLayouts.com / MyHotComments
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Özel Biri
HAHA, this guy theirs tons of things i can say to this kid lmao, hes awsome, funny, cheers me up all the time, smart and he shows it lol thats why he put ExpertShow on his name, duh :3 and hes all that u wish u would bee...hahaha. he just carks me up alot!!!! And my best friend on here is Kita631 :)

Leave a message, and take care^^
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Avatar 2007-08-07'den beri
Age: 33
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"hey ppl"

See My Albums (1)

FAKES OF AMY ON MYSAPCE!!!!!! http://tr.avatars.imvu.com/Guest_BabyMinako http://tr.avatars.imvu.com/Guest_MonioMonique

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