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Avatar 2006-06-03'den beri
Age: 43
Birleşik Devletler - ID
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"Hello! I'm just an Abn0rmal girl"

See My Albums (1)

Can You Say... Queen ? I suppose you could say I'm fun.. outgoing, bold, I have lots of courage, I'm 100% honest and blunt. I tell it like it is, no sugar coating for me. I don't want to sit around and waste time. I like schooling, education and learning, but I'm not a prodigy, I suppose that is good to an extent. I'm enjoying life & having fun, I'm picky when it comes to friends, especially good friends. If you were to ask me what I did for a living it would be hard to explain, so I will save that for another story...
Long Survey About Yourself
What time are you starting this?:12:10
Name?:Angelina L
Date of birth?:..
Eye color?:grey
Where were you born?:Bristol, TN
Number of candles on your last birthday cake?:zero
Pets?:2 cats
Hair color?:blonde
Town you live in?:boise
Favorite foods?:pasta, chocolate, pizza
Ever been to Africa?:no
Been toilet papering?:no
Love someone so much it made you cry?:yes
Been in a car accident?:no
Croutons or bacon bits?:neither
Favorite day of the week?:all of them
Favorite resturant?:BK
Favorite flower?:all of them
Favorite sport to watch?:none
Favorite drink?:sprite, sierra mist or coca cola
Favorite ice cream flavor?:chocolate
Warner Bros. or Disney?:disney
Favorite fast food restuarant?:bk
Carpet color in your bedroom?:biege
How many times did you fail your driver's test?:none
Whom did you get your last email from?:Sam
Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?:...none?
What do you do most often when you are bored?:IMVU
Most annoying thing to say to me?:Lol
Favorite TV show?:south park, whose line is it anyway
Last person you went out to dinner with?::Sam
Been out of country?:Yes
Believe in magick?:yes
Ford or Chevy?:ford
What are you listening to right now?:nothing
Have you ever failed a grade?:no
If you have, what grade did you fail?:none
Do you have a crush on someone?:yes
Do you have a bf/gf?:yes
If so, what is their name?:Sam
How long have you been together?:1 year
What are you wearing right now?:pjs
Would you have sex before marriage?:possibly
Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers?:no
Are you a virgin?:yes
Do you smoke?:no
Do you drink?:no
Are you ghetto?:no
Are you a player?:no
What are your favorite colors?:pink, red, black
What is your favorite animal?:cat
Do you have any birthmarks?:yes
Have you ever gotten your ass kicked?:no
Who do you talk to most on the phone?:sam
Have you ever been slapped?:no
Do you get online a lot?:yes
Are you shy or outgoing?:both
Do you shower?:yes
Do you hate school?:no
Do you have a social life?:kind of
How easily do you trust people?:not easily
Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing?:no
Would you ever sky dive?:no
Do you like to dance?:...
Have you ever been out of state?:yes
Do you like to travel?:no
Have you ever been expelled from school?:no
Have you ever been suspended from school?:no
Do you want to get out of your hometown?:no
Are you spoiled?:no.. lol
Are you a brat?:no
Have you ever been dumped?:yes
Have you ever gotten high?:no
Do you like snapple?:yes
Do you drink a lot of water?:yes
What toothpaste do you use?:crest
Do you have a cell phone?:yes
Do you have a curfew?:no
Who do you look up to?:Sam
Are you a role model?:yes
Have you ever been to Six Flags or Cedar Point?:yes
What name brand do you wear the most?:...
What kind of jewelry do you wear?:Gemstones
What do you want pierced?:nothing
Do you like takin pictures?:kind of
Do you like gettin your picture taken?:sort of
Do you have a tan?:no
Do you get annoyed easily?:no/yes
Have you ever started a rumor?:no
Do you have your own phone or phone line?:own phone
Do you have your own pool?:no
Do you prefer boxers or briefs?:boxers
Do you have any siblings?:yes
Have you ever been played?:played..?
Have you ever played anyone?:no
Do you get along with your parents?:yes
How do you vent your anger?:i dont have anger
Have you ever ran away?:no
Have you ever been fired from a job?:no
Do you even have a job?:no
Do you daydream a lot?:no
Do you have a lot of ex's?:no
Do you run your mouth?:no
What do you want a tattoo of?:nothing
What do you have a tattoo of?:nothing
What does your ex bf/gf look like?:...lmao
What does your most recent crush look like?:amazingly gorgeous
Whats her/his name?:Sam
Have you ever been bitched out?:yes
Are you rude?:no
What was the last compliment you recieved?:Nice hair
Do you like getting dirty?:no
Are you flexiable?:yes
What is your heritage?:Italian
What is your lucky number?:22
What does your hair look like right now?:Curly dirty blonde with red highlights
Could you ever be a vegetarian?:yes
Describe your looks?:curly hair, rounded face, grey eyes, short.
If you had to completely dye your hair it'd be what color?:red
Would you ever date someone younger than you?:yes
Would you ever date someone older than you?:yes
When was the last time you were drunk?:never
How many rings until you answer the phone?:as soon as i can get to it
Have you ever been skinny dipping?:no
If yes, when was the last time?:never been
When was the last time you went on a date?:the other day
Do you look more like your mother or father?:hmm both
Do you cry a lot?:no
Do you ever cry to get your way?:no..
What phrase do you use most when on the phone?:HAHAHA
Are you the romantic type?:Yes
Have you ever been chased by cops?:no..
What do you like most about your body?:Everything
What do you like least about your body?:nothing
When did you have your first crush?:humm.. at 9
When was the last time you threw up?:a year ago?
In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes?:brunettes
Do you ever wear shirts do show your belly?:no
What about cleavage?:yes
Is your best friend a virgin?:no
Have you ever fucked someone up?:no
Have you ever been fucked up?:no
What theme does your room have?:nothing
What size show do you wear?:Shoe..? 8
What is your screen name on ..xxj3itchxx
How are you feeling right now?:Ok
When was the last time you were at a party?:Never
Have you ever given a lapdance?:No..
Have you ever recieved one?:No..
Has there ever been a rumor spread about you?:Yes
What is one of your bad qualilties?:Bossiness
What is one of your good qualilties?:Kindness
Would you marry for money?:No
What do you drive?:Lancer
Are you more of a mommys or daddys child?:Mommy
When was the last time you cried in school?:never
Would you ever hook up with the same sex?:no
What kind of music do you like?:country, jazz, etc
Would you ever bungee jump?:no
What is your worst fear?:nothing
Would you ever join the army?:no
Do you like cows?:yes
If you were to die today, what would you do?:....
If you had one last word to say to someone before you die, what would it b?:.....
Do you like to party?:no
Hearts or broken hearts?:hearts
Moons or stars?:moons
Coke or pepsi?:coke
Favorite scent?:Sam
Favorite band?:...
Would you ever dye your hair red?:Yes!
How many languages can you speak?:1
What time are you finishing this?:12:20
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:KT: 070Skin 00Anime Blushing[Animetion] Blue EyesTheDoll|OwlzDeborah Black Velvet
[c] Amor underbustANN Satin-Bow Top WHITE$R Pink StripesCaYzCaYz RufflesCorset[7E]Company-Vamp edition
[T] LIZETH ScarletPirate Yoga SuitANN Breezy Top WHITE^j^ SolidSilk WhitePlats[I] Warmth Tan
ANN FRESH Strawberry:KT:CDressyL.E.- B&B -S milkyway aimaS smkdrainbow aima hairspacer
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