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*` Winnie the Pooh (R-H)*` Jacob Black Stamp*` Trick Or Treat?*` Heartless*` Just A Memory*` Best Friends
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xxCholexx has no special someone.

My Best Buddy :D Emu Lovers Everywhere, Praise Paige :D 60's Clothes Watch Out, Paige Will Wear You :P Paige Is Cooool And We Have Our Little Plans Of Revenge So Watch Out, Muahaahaa I Shall Get My Army Of Zombies On You, Or Give You A Care Bear Torture Dance :D Or Maybe Mine And Paiges Emu's! So Watch Yourself Guys And Girlies You Have Just Met Your Worst Nightmare's Or Maybe Your Best Dreams :D ;] Or We Might Blast Disney Songs Into Your Ears >:D 44th In The Groovy And Far Outfit Challenge : D We Stick Through Thick And Thin; Your Problem Is My Problem And Vice Versa; And I'll Always Be There To Fix Anything For You

Known Since - 08/07/09 I Always Forget How Much You Make Me Laugh (:
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Avatar 2006-06-01'den beri
Age: 32
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Relationship Status: Single
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T|Trollop Head!S! Stellar Head*R* Slania BrownH| blue striped shirt*S* Hayley Black&Teal
[txc] iDazzle Smoke (F)Kyo Head|S| High Waisted DressBubble Blowing! [deriv][GB] Katys Beret / Hair
{e}precious[NEKO] FRONTIER [BW]Alice VB [Twilight](BS) 2tone: black/redposes
(BS) Sun&Moon Scenespacerspacerspacerspacer
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