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The Random Hyperactive Chica that acts like she gotz ADHD (her words not mine, but I use them with luv)...a..k.a. my lil' sweet sister!!!

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Avatar 2007-04-08'den beri
Age: 39
Birleşik Devletler - IL
Last log on:

"There are some things that you just don't do, and are, coincidentally, the ones that you want most."

See My Albums (9)

Real Name: Dai
B-Day: Jan. 26
Sign: Aquarius
Height: 5' 2"
Ethnicity: Mexican
Grade: Senior in College >_

About Me:

Note: If you don't like what you are going to read than it wasn't meant to be...

Much of what I will say in this section can most likely be ascertained from the bottom on chatting with me. As you have noted I am a wordy individual, but that does not mean that I am actually very talkative. I HATE talking, and I would much rather listen. I am ridiculously shy and nervous. In the written word I find that I can express myself more efficiently. Otherwise it is nice to listen without thinking at the same time of what you will say next. In fact if the other person is having a problem, why bother thinking; it takes away from paying attention to them to begin with. A speech need not be rehearsed anyway in the case of someone having a problem, words have more truth to them when spoken on the spot even if they are simplistic, all that matters is if they are around the same lined of what the person wants to hear ^.^ Also, I tend to be brutally honest… without meaning to be. I lie, yes, if necessary, although rarely for myself and usually to help out. It is a habit that I have slightly curbed, so I do not mean to be cruel, its just who I am. On the other hand I am a polite individual as it was drilled into me by my parents, so I will never be purposely mean (I don’t like nasty people T.T). I swear a LOT if you get to know me… otherwise I will censor myself = P. After all I do love to laugh, innuendos can be interesting as well, but you better know me before you even try.

So, because I am random and I am usually up in the clouds (en la luna como lo dice mi mama), I will tell you what I should have at the beginning of this… My name is Dai (it is my real life nickname… and I will only tell you my real name if you get to know me better… but you still can’t use it even then, ‘cause I hate it), pronounced “Day”. I am a barely graduated college student that is currently looking into a job as a veterinarian receptionist because I need to pay off my loans big time. On my down time (other than IMVU) I like reading extensively, writing poetry, playing videogames, on-line manga, chatting on MySpace (rarely), chatting on Facebook (more often), chatting on Gaia Online (because of my best friend being on there), hearing music (music is LIFE to me, only followed by books), researching (almost anything as I love continued learning), and studying as much as possible about cultures as I did major in Black Studies and minored in Anthropology and Sociology.

About Chatting With Me:

Hello people, while there are those out there that use IMVU as their fantasy/RP realm… I do NOT. Yes, the only lie about me is usually on what avi wears and how she looks (and by the way, my avi does not have a signature look). Trust me though when I say that you are talking to me, Dai, the girl behind the avi. Thus, my avi never does anything that I wouldn’t do in real life. Some of the basic rules of chatting with me are actually very simple, be polite and respectful at all times. You do NOT know me initially, if you want to be able to joke with me as a close friend we better have a damn good, intelligent, goofy, and/or random conversation… otherwise it is a no go. I am extremely eccentric, and while I have a near perfect grasp on grammar and can be serious, I do not always act my age, type my age, or sound like anyone person should. Once more, I am goofy and have a sense of humor, just don’t go to far, ‘k? ^.^ I feel that I need to add that twice because I do come off as standoffish, even with it not being a PERSONAL conversation, I am still ludicrously shy. I do not mean to come off as cold, and I’m certainly not a snob. I have been this way since I was a kid, in fact if you have already chatted with me, you should know that I RARELY make the first move on requesting a chat, not because I am taciturn, but also because I am obscenely polite (I just don’t want to disturb anyone, and I know some people can only hold a certain number of conversations on their laptop/desktop. If you do send a chat request and I do not accept, I’m either not by my laptop, didn’t see it because it was behind a window, wasn’t fast enough to click it, or decided that using my laptop as a pillow was a fantastic (although neck breaking) idea = P.

Do I have to add near the end that I do NOT; yes I do, because there are those out there that are much to thickheaded. So here goes: Uunder no condition will I EVER cyber with you, even if I were to obtain a boyfriend, that possibility would be pretty low (zilch even, had an upsetting experience once before at that). I have pretty high morals and self-standards. For one (and not because I’m religious, although I have no problem with religions per say), I am saving myself for the ONE, I am a romantic at heart (but ye shall never hear me admit it in any other place but here), even if I come off as a tomboy with the way I chat. So, ya see ya even think of dating my avi, ya better think of dating me. Another thing on cybering… the real thing is suppose to be better, why cyber with me if your dating me, it makes no sense. A computer screen cannot replace the warmth found in a tender, loving embrace, even if it is a friendly one. Words can be comfort food, but I’m sure the sound of a voice uttering disgustingly, sweet nothings is much better. So there you have it, on what you should know on a chat with me.

So PLEASE be respectful and polite; some of you might not have been taught manners, but I’m sure as hell positive you have heard of them ^.^

Anti-Dev Tokens banner

Relationship Status: In a Relationship
Looking For: Chatting

The Moonflower Restaurant and Café

Formal dress is a plus and clothing is a MUST. Fine Asian cuisine and music to be topped off with an enjoyable evening on the dance floor. TRIGGERS: tango,waltz,dance,salsa,koto1,koto2,piano. PLEASE be RESPECTFUL or you will be asked to LEAVE. Max 2500kb.

I can be found formally hosting on Tuesday's from 8PM (Central Time, U.S.) until whenever I decide to knock out for the night. It is NON-AP for a reason folks, if you wish for entertainment and discussion of a different nature use your room or one of the too-many-strip joints that have popped up under the public rooms list. Usually I enjoy random and/or intelligent conversation, and I do have a sense of humor, and if any innuendos are dropped try to make them tasteful. If they aren't, then you better hope that I chat with you often enough that I do not care. I would prefer if the only music played is anything that creates a nice, relaxing ambiance as if it were a 5 star restaurant (unless I'm not there or you ask... although you should always ask before playing music if you aren't the only one there). The only music that I do have is anime music, one Fiona Apple song, I will play the shamisan on Tuesday's, and a LOT of piano music. Enjoy your stay ^.^!!!!!!!

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+I be t' Captain+ Hat+I be t' Captain++I be t' Captain+Boots[LyL]Enliven Room+Liz+ Hair Bow
+Liz++Maria+ V+Maria+ Boots I[LyL]Funx Clara[LyL]Allspice Hayley
[LyL]Rosewood Curly[LyL]Melanie Juste[LyL]Melanie Renata[LyL]Melanie Deerani[LyL]N'mour Narcisa
[LyL]Melanie Ediva[LyL]Melanie Lisashspacerspacerspacer
Yeni İnsanlar

Cool...depends on one's definition...New...that is VERY questionable....People...I sure hope so O_o!!!

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