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I go by the name: Arora.
I live in the great country of maple syrup and polar bears.
twenty-three years young.
I fly solo.
I am currently a student of the health sciences.
and of life.
but aren't we all?
Hit me up; I'm sure well get along ;)
I can remember we were tight.
talked every day.
about everything
I can remember you were funny &
I wished so badly I met someone like you
in real life.
Even though we don't talk as much as we used to.. I don't think I'll EVER forget about you. When I said you were a big part of my life, I wasn't lying. I laaavvee youu teacake. lol..<3
Aug 30 2014 - Life has finally settled.
I'm finally doing what I've wanted to do in life.
Every time I come back here..
A sense of nostalgia.
I wonder if I've been forgotten?
I don't know if I miss it..
but sometimes
I wish someone would speak up.
Nov 18 2012 - Ah..well that was slightly embarrassing.
I guess I was just caught up in the moment.
Hello IMVU world.
I feel slightly abandoned..for all my former friends on here have long gone.
and finding new cool friends on here has been a for the 0.2 days I've tried anyways..
I know I've hated on the randomization of the "Chat Now" button..
but I wish it was there lol.. going into big chat rooms lags up my laptop yo.
and no one seems to do the page hopping thing anymore.. or is that just me being delusional?
ANYWHO! ...leave me a message... if you dare >:]
Oct 6 .2012 - My boyfriend and I..have been together for a year and 5 months yesterday.
I cleaned the house yesterday,
landlord came over and cleaned it up again.
Theres this boy I met..
I KNOW hes into me.
he couldn't make it anymore obvious
is what I have really worth it if I even
had the thought of giving it up for someone else?
But I really do love my boyfriend..
he's super tolerant..can look past everything wrong with me
& I'm sure he honestly loves me for me.
Aug 7 .2012 - August 5th 2012...
My cousin 16 and my uncle die in a car crash.
Pray for them & my cousins mother who is in critical condition at the hospital
Funny and outgoing, a beautiful family destroyed
They will forever be loved and missed by myself, family & friends.
May they rest in peace. <3
June 11 .2012 - LOL well I failed a course. no worries though
I can catch up..even though I'm already behind..
sometimes I wonder if I shouldve just dropped
before I wasted so much money.
whatever. its summer! I should relax.
cheers to the "nothing to do" days!
and the party until we can't stand!
the wandering in the dark streets talking to
confused drunk people that sing so loud
it wakes people on the streets.
and the endless hours of ps3 playing
and the..."its always saturday..I'm not sure what day
it is today" days!
omg I'm clearly too bored to be expressing myself right now.
Apr 10 .2012 - -.- finals. bleh..
my only wish is that I don't fail...
or end up having to re-do a course..
which is if I
& to do that I need to study...which I should be doing right now..
TT.TT if I don't make it..
you can have my clothes :'(
Mar 27.2012 - So it's getting warmer out.
I've been craving to go spring/summer shopping for the longest time.
Actually now that I think about it..
LAST WEEK was really warm. THIS WEEK is kinda cold.
& this is exactly how people get sick!
they dont wear a jacket because the weather confuses them >:[
So a little advice..
when it gets to single digits...
it doesnt matter how sunny it is out there..
got it? good. :)
Feb 10.2012 - Four days till valentines day.
Thinking of gifts for my boyfriend is just ridiculous...
it's like boys never need anything..and when they do need something
its like a gahzillion something dollars. I decided to go to the dollar store and buy a jar..
& I wrote a whole bunch of pick up lines..and sweet little things
on little rolled up pieces of paper and put them all in the jar.
no idea if he'll like it.. but I know if I got something like that I'd love it. lol..
meh..I thought it was a cute idea anyways lol :)
Feb 8.2012 - Is it just me..or does school
seem to be getting more and more stressful
as each semester passes...?
Going through midterm period..even though technically its not
the middle of the term yet. I'd like to just call them tests..
tests that are worth just as much as a midterm. :/ BLARGH.
anyways..theres my little update.
Dec 19.2011 - I just realized, I've been writing these little note things
for almost a year..& it has become nesessary (sp?)
to write the year at the end of my date entry.
I'd have to say...this
was the year I finally ditched IMVU
not completely..or I wouldnt be coming back to write these note things lol
but after nearly 5 years
of being addicted to this whatever.
I finally got over it lol..
I don't remember everyone I met on here..
but a few have stuck in head.
influenced me in some way..
I kept one of these people close to me.
or it might be the fact that he was the last influencial
person I met before I ditched.
but I really hope he doesnt fully abandon IMVU
just so I can talk to him :)
Nov 20 - I don't know what I'm doing anymore xD
I think I'll go to college and study something else after this..
but..I feel like I wasted so much money already.
Damnit. I wanna go back to toronto..
I know more people there & it seems like
people are so much friendlier there than they are here.
Nov 4 - :3 I can feel christmas getting closer.
sometimes I wonder if I'll survive uni.
& tomorrows our 6 months-versary.
Ahuhuhu half a year. Lets hope it lasts :)
Oct 15 - boyyy. ohh killin me softly
& I'm still fallin'
still the one I need. I will always be with you.
ohh, you got me all gone
don't ever let me go.
So. 5 months together.
I'm attached.
Jon & I.
Me & Jon.
meh. :P
July 23 - I've honestly been away for too long. but I do come back once in awhile..
soo. yeah (:
yay bubble republic :3
June 14 - oh shyt I've never won anything
in my entire life.
& tomorrow is the day.
GEEZE. I hope it's not as lame
as I think its gonna be.
June 13 - I love you.
June 4 - it's been almost a month.
I swear, we're going too fast.
it's like we hit a problem every. other. day.
I'm thinkin maybe
I can't have relationships.
na na na na.
May 10 - kiss me. ♥
May 5 - take me out
to the edge of the river
sit on the grass while the sun sets
& play me a song.
dontchu know girls love the guitar?
April 22 - that boy
asks the stupidest questions
acts like such a child.
I swear every conversation is like:
him: come onnn D:
me: >_> no.
him: I bet I can.
me: I bet you can't o.O
him: challenge accepted bwaha *attacks*
Mar 25 - made a cake for my friend
its funny. it's like everytime
something good happens..
something bad is bound to strike back
Mar 17 - so that boy.
asked me out. I could tell he was nervous.
He's cute. I think I might like him.
Mar 4 - so theres this boy.
& we watched 500 days of summer together.
Mar 3 - I finished another thing
off my life list.
Although I'd hate to get addicted.
��届� ♥ cute&sweet boys are apparently too much to ask for.
Jan 24 - I walk into a restaurant today & this
bitch has the nerve to walk up to me & tell me "sorry we dont serve kids"
the fuck. how old did she think I was?!
Jan 17 - boring, embarrassed & inactive.
Jan 16 -I live for the weekends.
p.s reese's peanutbutter bars are amazing :)
listenup buddy. I am NOT buying a freaking
nail buffer for freakin 80 bucks! *angry attempted customer*
you.have. lost. a. fan.
"whatever. I dont need fans."
good. no one wants to be your fan anyways.
Jan 12 - failure is following me.
ugh. second time around. THIS WONT HAPPEN.
I feel freakin useless.
Jan 8 - was out shopping all day.
snowed a lot.
& got myself a hatscarf&gloves :] p.s. I hate the new MSN.
Jan 7 - I was suppose to go outdoor skating today..
& my calculator broke.
*sob sob* T-T
Jan 3 - IMVU just lost my interest.
.-. someone say something?
Jan 2 - got a haircut today :D
--- my fortune cookie told me "You'll never know if
you dont try."
Jan 1 -o.O woke up at 2pm today. --- fireworks. live music. dancing &
my friends will satisfy me for the
start of my new year.
Dec 31 -went to ktown today,
bought a cute wallet :)
& going downtown for new years countdown.
faber drives gonna be there ♥
--- You're so beautiful
Looking at you I go..crazy.
but now I'm tired.
replay replay replay ♫
Dec 30 - ^^ bwahaha I just finished watching b2st preform live.
I wish I couldve seen all of it. shinee was there too :3
son dong woon ♥
& kim jonghyun ♥
*fan moment*
Dec 29 - hah. new page :)
:P I obviously had nothing better to do.