Hakkımızda |
IMVU is a consumer Internet startup in downtown Palo Alto. IMVU makes the world's greatest 3D chat, which is now in beta testing with customers around the world. The service lets users express themselves by creating and customizing a 3D avatar with a wide variety of clothes, accessories, pets, and scenes. The service has been live for several years, and it is generating a rapidly growing revenue stream from the sale of virtual currency. IMVU's culture is maniacally focused on rapidly developing and testing features and business ideas to learn from our customers what will make a great business. IMVU has top tier venture investors and an extraordinarily talented team with deep experience in games and virtual worlds.
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Görevimiz |
To fulfill the promise of online socializing and creativity.
Development philosophy |
Click here for more about how IMVU is being built.
Our future |
- Games - Instead of playing games like poker, pool, or chess with only a screen name or an icon, play using a 3D avatar that you've customized and dressed the way you want.
- Platforms - We are actively porting IMVU to as many IM networks, clients, and operating systems as possible, and plan to bring avatars to other devices like cellphones and portable game consoles. We will eventually ship a Macintosh port.
- Grafik ve ses - IMVU hemen hemen tüm PC'lerde 3D ekran kartı olmasa dahi çalışır. Ses ve özel efektler olmadan beta testimizi çalıştırdır,IMVU'nun görsel işitsel özelliklerini geliştirmeye devam edeceğiz ve tüm bu geliştirmeleri geliştirici topluluğumuza temin edeceğiz.
- Brands and celebrities - Imagine chatting with your friends using IMVU, dressed up as your favorite movie star, singer, or sport hero, or wearing your favorite brand-name clothes or accessories. IMVU invites celebrities and corporations with brand-name products to extend their popularity and franchises to IM. Contact branding@imvu.com to learn more.
- Freedom of expression - In order to support all kinds of content in IMVU, and to build a marketplace and environment where everyone is comfortable. We are committed to providing the necessary controls and ratings systems to support the needs of the general audience and the holders of brands and franchises. We are also committed to providing a safe and fun experience for both our teen users and our adult users.
- Beklenmeyen oyun tasarımcısı?- Bir zamanlar video oyun geliştirme onlarca kişi ya da milyonlarca dolar gerektirmiyordu. IMVU amatör oyun geliştiricileri için anlık mesajlaşma için oyun yapıp satmayı, gelişen geliştirici topluluk ile avatarlar yapmak,animasyonlar ve diğer 3D interaktif değerleri mümkün kılacaktır.