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Avatar since: 12.07.2006

Age: 45
United States
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Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.

If you look above, you'll see my age and where I'm from, and judging by such a girly homepage, I'm just that. A girl. Woman. Female. Whatever you want to call it. So, please, don't waste my time or yours by asking me what my asl is. It annoys me, and I won't answer if you do.

adopt your own virtual pet!
Bana Ulaşın
boşluk bırakıcı
Özel Biri
She's my best friend, and one of the most important people in my life. I love her with all of my heart.
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İstek Listem

My wish list is mainly to help me keep track of the things I want to get myself, so no one has to feel obligated to get me anything from it. If you do, though, let me thank you in advance.
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