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Avatar 2007-04-11'den beri
Age: 31
United States - FL
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"I\'ll stop my heart, and then I\'ll wait for you."

See My Albums (1)

Hey, Im Megan. Im 16 years old. Im a vegetarian. Dont get me wrong though, I dont hate you if you eat meat. Im gay and Buddhist, but that should not matter to you or our future friendship. I have a fish named char, and a dog named chomps. I tend to lose focus easy and if I get bored around you I will leave. I like my friends. Some are bitchy, some are sweet.I like music, just like anyone else. I like to swim. I am a TOMS wearer. I have my lisence, and my own car. I do not exactly know what the hell I am doing in life, but for now I waste time reading MLIA (MyLifeIsAverage.com), and I try to do well in school but it is just a social club. I like to talk...a lot, but the conversation can not be one way. Leave me a message full of joy, because I love to smile and laugh. If you wanna talk to me invite me to chat. I should reply or accept if I am not busy. Thanks for visiting me =). Later.
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