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boşluk bırakıcı
boşluk bırakıcı
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Avatar since: 10.09.2006

Age: 33
United States - NY
Last log on:

On the Third Stone From the Sun since nineteen hundred ninety-one
Relationship Status: Seeing Someone
Looking For: Chatting

I make it a point to always talk and listen to customers and people who just like my products, or want to make a request; IMVU is a chat program, and I use it for that! It just so happens that I create stuff on here too :-P

My Favorite metalocalypse Episode: Awaken Mustakrakish

My Most Recent pic!:

23 Things That Bother Me:
#1When people ask me if I have other messenger programs or websites, especially right off the bat.
#2When people greet me by calling me sexy or something along the same lines. You don't know me, don't say that, it's creepy.
#3When people act like IMVU is real life. It's not. the only thing that stays the same on IMVU is that in real life you're really lame.
#4When people get married on IMVU; we all know it's just because you want people to buy you shit.
#5When people tell me they have big dicks. I don't care.
#6When people ask me for credits. Fuck off.
#7When people ask me if I'm horny, or if I masturbate. If you're one of these people, I will immediately leave the chat.
#8When people tell me they're horny, or they masturbate. I will immediately leave the chat.
#9When I enter age range 18-24 for chat now and get people old enough to have kids my age.
#10When I enter English as language for chat now and get people who don't speak a word of English.
#11)People that dont use any punctuation its really annoying it makes you seem like a total moron
#12)People who
hit enter
way too
#14)1337 $?34|{. It looks like you're trying to type with your forehead.
#15)Excessive slang. I won't even try to imitate it.
#16)Incorrect use of the following words: to, too, two; your, you're; their, there, they're; then, than; it's, its; whether, weather; whose, who's. You all make America look even more dumb than it already is. You should be ashamed.
#17)When people intentionally spell words wrong.
#18)Product thumbnails that only have a flash of the product, just the product's texture, or a picture totally irrelevant to the product.
#19)People accusing me of being a racist, nazi, communist, anti-christ, etc. etc... What the fuck?
#20)People that only say two words in a chat. Why the hell do you even have the program? Idiots.
#21)When developers don't put their products in the right category. You're making IMVU into a messy drawer.
#22)People with names like "johnnyhasaboner" "sexygurl10456" "fdhu9ndc" "slutbitchyhoeskank" Come on, people. You can get a little more creative than that when choosing a name.
#23When people know these things piss me off and do it anyway.
İstek Listem
I only use my wishlist as a place to keep all the things that I want to buy so I don't lose them...but if you insist on being nice (although I have no clue why you would be nice to meO_o) and getting me a gift, by all means, I have no problem with that.
M| Skinnys Blue StarBlack|Sweat Pants|RS*CutOffT-GreyTie Dye Tank Top#Green Checkered Tank#
RB™ Corest TankBlack Tank Top*S*Sequined Green Tank{M}Comfort-Green*S* String Tank Green
Black Lace Tank! {B} Green Tank Topi smart chic~m~ Seducesmall hands+black nails
Denim Jacket Robot IIStuck in the 60s(A) Bird\'s Nest* Black Nerd GlassesMesh:HOUSE OF THUMBELINA
boşluk bırakıcı
İlgi Alanlarım

"There is an unbelief which grows out of ignorance, as well as a skepticism which is born of intelligence"-Plato

"I may disagree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it!"-Voltaire

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."-Gandhi

"I think we should thank all the idiots out there; if there were no morons in this world there would be no one to laugh at."-Me!

"I am the dis-encouragement many people need to become great; your support is the world's downfall."-Me!

fun, Art, web, music, 123, animals, respect, pixels, Knowledge, Internet, html, techno, creation, spirits, css, Guardian, Sculpture, Computer graphics, Evolution, Charles Darwin, Animism, animist, OMENS, Brain Dance
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