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boşluk bırakıcı
boşluk bırakıcı
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Avatar since: 11.04.2007

United States
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Dearest (I'm So Sorry)
Relationship Status: Married
Looking For: Chatting
Özel Biri
You set my soul at ease
Chased darkness out of view
Left your desperate spell on me
Say you feel it too
I know you do
I've got so much more to give
This can't die, I yearn to live
Pour yourself all over me
And I'll cherish every drop here on my knees
I wanna love you forever
And this is all I'm asking of you
10,000 lifetimes together
Is that so much for you to do?
Cuz from the moment that I saw your face
And felt the fire in your sweet embrace
I swear I knew
I'm gonna love you forever.
boşluk bırakıcı
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İstek Listem
Femboy Neko PetBritney Femboy BlondeR. Femboy poses 02R. - Eyebrows - brownkawaii pink nails
★ Parfait.R. Femboy HeadLa Mort Noire Crescentnose spikes(FA)Black Eye Smoke F.
◮ Korean BaeDouble Demon• Sohee-Sun JuliaxXAYAKASHIXx_Outfit_3!! Cindy Premium
Pink Sparkle OutfitWednesday77 Revenge !!Christmas Claus OutfitKids Devil outfit adorable baby kid child cute lovely

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