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Avatar 2006-12-05'den beri
Age: 40
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"Bíonn gach tosach lag."

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"Laugh if you like. Doesn't matter. Assume that you're so much smarter than the poor, broken lunatic. Doesn't matter. But think about this: You're a dead thing, same as me. You died and were reborn - as this. What makes you and me different? Simple - I remember what I saw when I was full and truly dead. You'd be mad too." - Vampire the Masquerade
Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Other
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"Perception at once shapes the Mind and rules over Time. Time however erodes human perception and than in wraps the Mind. The Mind is capricious, having various effects on Perception, Time and the Mind itself... with harmony progress is made."

"Chaos, like the Mind can be understood only through the scientific process. Order, however, is only as good as the Perception thereof. Time is the key that links the two and bears witness their ebb and flow."
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You belong to the Malkavian bloodline. The Malkavians are blessed with an "inner sight" which often gives them great perception and even clairvoyance. Many are sought for their counsel and insight. The drawback, however, is that they are all entirely insane. If a vampire is speaking in obscure riddles, it's a fair bet they are of Malkavian blood.















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ASF AkisedxenapagASF VarcolaciBloodline: Hypertone-000Midnight Desires GownSacrifice Sorcery
DP- Calvaire: 000Bloodline: Lustpurple deathrockEvil ketchupfallGrimm Bench from Whyst
Grimm TombGrimm MonumentBlk Marble/Stone Coffin[V4NY] Bailey DevTina Skirt Red/Black
Lace-up mesh leggings v2ELVEN Silver Glitter Louspacerspacerspacer
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"Ponder me this, ponder me that...be Saulot Malkav or Malkav Saulot *giggles* hehe, one may never know, but look ye at this and judge for thyself....."

1. the sire of Saulot be known ( he walked with his sire in religion and philosophy, as diciples oft times do). Malkav's sire be nor beast neither man, if he even be at all...

2. Saulot gave rise to the Baali, and tis a reasonable assumption which shows the breadth of his blood, so to speak, for his blood could give rise to such differentiated individuals as saints and demons

3. Easily enraged, Saulot be, for oft times the history of the Dark ages speak of his ire. Such dispassion show he could, which made elder vampireseem even as a simpering child.

4. According to the Book of Nod, Saulot only be the one to balm Malkav's madness -- which only seems possible, were Saulot Malkav, for only Malkav can understand and pacify the madness of Malkav.

5. 4th generation Malkavians be there few, and most likely not, likewise, few 4th generation Salubri, truly most interesting in deed.....

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My Interests

Vampire: The Dark Ages; Rome Campaign (circa. 280 B.C.E)

Name: Selica Aenei

Nature: Visionary

Demeanor: Pedagogue

Clan: Malkavian

Sect: Camarilla (upon recent awakening, declared self as Inconnu)

Generation: 4th or 5th (lineage is shrouded in confusion, is suspected of diablerie, could possibly be 3rd)

Concept: Lunatic Visonary [Councilor]

Haven: Aenei Compound:Taranto Italia

Domain: Province of Raetia, Italia

*Went into torpor sometime very early on in the dark ages (800-1100 C.E); was risen only recently and holds historic land in Italy, currently is nomadic (searching for the rest of her coterie)

Scorpio, Seattle, Italy, United States
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"Malkav isn't 'Dead:' He lives! IN us. The Madness we all inherited from the last Will and testament of our fourscore and seven sheep ago? It's HIM. 'We're' HIM. The Malkavian aren't the Clan begotten by Malkav: The Clan IS Malkav!"

"He won't 'arise,' he's already RISEN! That thing in the Middle East, you ask?? Naaaah....that was/is/going to be a PRANK! Imagine the giggleiciousness the MAD one must be getting, making everyone think Gehenna was upon us by making that 'thing' or whatever in blue blazes he blazed be!"
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History: The Clan founder of the Malkavians was not human. He was something called a Lilin, descended from the Dark Mother, Lilith. They were one of the first races on the earth, the beautiful ones, who dwelled close to the early mortals, using them for their own ends. The people of Enoch made war upon them, desiring dominance over the Sons of Man. Much of the tales of those times are lost. But the Beautiful Ones walked with devils and evil spirits, and used magic, forbidden by God. Like the children of Caine, the Lilin were deathless, but they were mere flesh. Their blood burned with strange and terrible energy, and although the Children of Caine were strong, and had dark powers themselves, the Lilin fought them to a standstill. Indeed, the Children of Caine in those days were still said to be under God's Ban, and the Angels did not interfere against them. The Angels instead continued their war against the Children of Lilith and the Fallen Ones. One on occasion, so the stories say, some of the Lilin, young ones, barely out of childhood came to the city of Enoch. There were the twins, who some called Arikel and Malkav, and one other. The elders of the Second Generation desired them, and gave them gifts, so they could possess them, and their secrets. They were given the Embrace. But the Embrace did not curse them; it made them powerful beyond dreams. It is said that these led the Third Generation to war against the Elders of the Second Generation. The truth is unknown. It is said that the third was to become Troile, the first of the Brujah, while others claim that this was Saulot. The real truth is unknown, but this the Bahari know, and this too, the Malkavians remember. Some say Malkav was cursed by God for this action, or by Caine. The truth is unknown, but what is known is this. His sister, (who sources name as either Nahema or Arikel) descended into Hell and drew the Fallen to her, and became a Queen there. She is named in several commonly available occultic texts. Nahema is named in certain texts held in secret in the Tremere libraries as being the Anti-Muse, or the Dark Muse, the demon queen of madness. She is one of the patrons of psychopaths, serial killers and torturers. If such can be believed, then we must at least consider the fact that this person, this thing, was the Founder of the Toreador clan. Sources indicate that the trio of Lilin revealed certain powers unto the Cainites, the most obvious of which was Magic itself. No, Thaumaturgy was not the creation of the Tremere, and it is well known that Clans such as the Brujah, the Tzimisce, the Toreador, the Followers of Set, the Lasombra, the Baali and the Ravnos all used the Blood Magic. The Tremere are the foremost practitioners of Blood Magic on our age, but there were practitioners before. The combination of magic and their dark gifts swung the tides against the god-like Second Generation. And in the Darkness, the demons of dark creativity waited for their brethren on Earth.
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