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Welcome to my page! Please consider saying hi before you friend request! I Always reply to any Private messages, open for questions of any sorts. Should I not reply in-game, I am probably doing other stuff in real or gaming.

Hello there! My name is Wendy, I am an 25 year old Gamer and Equestrian. I train horses for a living and administrate multiple gaming services and servers. Here to help whenever necessary and making new online friends! Highly against IMVU only. I am a huge music lover, listen to almost anything however mostly anything rock and/or pop. Highly fond of going for walks in forests or go riding in forests with horses.

Here to learn anything about IMVU and help anyone necessary, therefore my Dm's are always open for any questions, I reply to almost every single one whenever I have the time. Please be patient!

Nothing here yet.
Please consider saying hi before friend requesting! Will not accept otherwise.
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