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Özel Biri
RandomKandi has no special someone.

Maynee, i met this girl in 6th grade, bt i feel lyk i've known her my whole life! She is super funny,fun,nice,sweet an amazing friend! I trust her with ANYTHING:) We are soo much alike! And we have the funniest times when we are hanging out!:D What can i say? She a true Bestfriend(: ily Danielle:D
Destiny, maynee yuu are frkn hilarious&fun:D I love hanging out with yuu! We may not be as close as we were in 5th grade bt i'll always be there for yuu(: ily!
Nicole yuu are jst AMAZING!!!:D Yu are always there for me. Yuu help me out in so many ways! Your a great true friend:] ily Nicole:D
Im So Gladd i met yuu Sharay!:D Yuu aree soo funny, funn,and random!:D your an awesome person too knoe! I could NEVER regret meeting yuu! ily!(:
İstek Listem
Most Wanted: Anything Please:)
¤C¤ Hermione Hairx-Green Anchor Top|T| A Skylit Drive *F*VP*Eyelashes|T| 26 Mixed Model Poses
[m] Black Bat NecklaceCaYzCaYz OBling5Ring~WZebraPumps Blue|k| Blue Zebra Tubetop[m]] Rainbow Bangles
+Basic Yellow Bow+!mb Black Brielle|M| Piercing black(Ð) Summer Fruit | Honey!BC! ClubKids B&Y Tee
|T| Scene Jeans Whitem* Blue Plaid Blouse|F|BabyCakes v1HW| Transformers! Tee*G I would enjoy your
Giant Baby Attack!O:
hehe Danielle&i(:

Things i Like
Bows,colorful things,Penguins,Laughing,Mustard,Texting,Jelly Bracelets,Purple,Scary movies,Funny movies,Music<33,Myspace,Hello Kitty,Diamonds,Monsters,Dinosoars,Roses,Crayons,Photography, Cupcakes, cookie Monster,Boys,Posing,Converse,The Mall,Traveling,Eyeliner,Hoop Earrings,Cameras,Phones,Bloody Gorey Stuff,Shopping,Hugs,Kisses<3,Smiles,Tu-Tu's,Band T-Shirts,Black Nail Polish,Black Hair,Hairspray,and muchh moree(:
Things i Dont Like
Smell of ketchup,Smell Of ToothPaste On Fingers,Stalkers,Bugs,Conceded People,People Who Cant Take A Joke,People Who Cant Keep A Conversation,Pervertied Guys,Cybering,Webcams,People Who Label Me,Your Mom In Bed(:....and MUCH more:P
DONT Ask Me To
Buy You Something,
Be Your Best Friend
Give You My Myspace
Or Any Other Messanger
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Avatar 2008-03-29'den beri
Age: 32
Birleşik Devletler - TX
Last log on:

"Lalala i love your mom(:"

See My Albums (1)

I party on November 19th . TAKEN /MarkVidaurri♥ My sister is Danielle . :) I ADORE penguins <3 My family is the bomb diggity . Escape The Fate is the best band ever . Im picky . I hate when people THINK they know me . I hate when people jock my shit . Blue is an awesome color . i'm a Scorpio . So watch out . I am not conceited . I dont think i am pretty . I hate being hit . I wear contacts but i wear glasses at night . Braces off soon . I wish summer would last forever . I love photography . Music keeps me going . Editing Pictures is what i do in my spare time . I take my life for granted, and i know i should be incredibly grateful. I cuss alot . I love jewelry . I get bored with my page easily so i tend to change it every week ? Being stuck at home is not fun . I really wish i could speak espanol . I hate the sound of people rubbing their hands together . Bigg Red/Blue & Sour Patch Kiddos are my snacks . I dont like spicy stuff . Im more of an outcast but i know the latest news . Everything happens for a reason . I get nervous easily . I dont like loud nosies . Claustrophobic (Not meaning im scared of Santa Claus . Haha ) . Peace Signs Are Annoying As Fuck . I love to dance . I hate being stared at or getting attention but I want to be famous ? Yea i make no sense . I want to make it big and buy my parents everything they want . They deserve it cause they always put up with my bitch ass . I hate going to school because i feel like i have to impress people when i know i dont have to . But i love going just to talk to friends . Drama is stupid and a waste of time . Girls nowadays just need to grow up . I wish everyone would get along . I wish i lived in the 50's , 60's, but mostly the 80's . I love rock from the 80's . I wish i could feel beautiful without makeup . But i dont . When girls show off their body for guys i think , "what happend to the world ?" . Tattoos and Piercings are amazing . I am the most sensitive person i know . Im scared to be myself in front of people cause of what they will think of me . Sometimes i wish i could move back to Dallas and just leave all my problems behind . I wish i was tall , skinny , and beautiful . I wish alot but , im going to have to love me the way i am . Get to know me, because I'm nothing like all the other stupid cliche girls at school . My Name Is Bethany .

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