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boşluk bırakıcı
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I can float too, and I don't ask for much from you
But maybe that's too much, too soon
So I keep rolling through the blackout
No fires without some fallout
Made peace out of the pieces
No, I can't take it back
But I keep on track now, and yeah, that's all of it
I gave up my youth for this 'cause I wanted it, and...
If you think that I need you then you're out of your head
But I want you
So bring me down and drown me out
I'll be waiting here when you're ready
And I'll lay me down, unfinished now
It hurts
♥♥ Austie ♥♥
♥ Nephi ♥
♥ Jay ♥
♥ Mariah ♥

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Nematicon has no special someone.
boşluk bırakıcı
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