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Avatar since: 16.02.2007

Age: 33
United States - NE
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DarkkSkunkk Here :)
Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Relationships

Özel Biri
This is me Sista! shes cool but can get really annoying sometimes. If any of yeah hurt her you then get to meet me ^^ and no that wont be good....*smirks* keep that in mind when you talk to her XD love yeah sis

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This is ME ^.^
boşluk bırakıcı
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İstek Listem
[69s] ADORABLEBlue Zipper BootsBright Teal[Aluci] Paine Eyes[Aluci] Paine Hair X2
GA Ice Snow TrackerNahkron Elf Sword LFNahkron Elf Sword RT(F) Adept Rouge Shukara[Aluci] Paine Gloves
Cho Long WhiteRamenDog Demon Necklace(F)*KF* Red!DU! White AGift Hair
anjiiyo (ori)Blue Button DressOrngCrm Kitsune Furset Fspacerspacer

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