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Avatar since: 23.01.2006

Age: 40
United States - NJ
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Hello, my dear....
Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Friendship
J'aime le jus d'orange aussi! Name: Sir Donnell Julius Gertrude Jr. 3rd
Location: Chilltown
Fav Color: Black
Music: Is the love of my life!!!
Movies: Whatever?
Heroes: No one I can think of.

"Thoughts, who mock who I am, let them always remember when."

Why don't we make this about me:
I have no choice about what I am or the way I must feed. But I can assure you that your description does not fit me.

You have described the type of person who acts out of insecurity.

I act out of necessity, survival, when I act at all. Mostly it is unconscious.

But, naturally, I am the villain. It would be different if I drank blood, I suspect. Perhaps being visible, tangible, people would not mind so much in this materialistic world we live in. But being hidden, unseen, while I take the sweet sustenance from people who are, mostly,

So the truth comes out.. You violate a copyright and post material to punish the ToV for your own shortcomings. Simply because you cannot control your self, because you are the one in need of conscious evolution.

Indeed not. I violated copyright laws because I wanted people so see the truth of the pathetic temple.

Shortcomings? I was born a psivamp, not like the *humans* like yourself the temple teach to become energy-leaches.

I have great self-control. Since when did sating a need for reasons of survival become a lack of self-control? Does the fact that I continue to breath mean I need conscious evolution?

The anger and hypocrisy reflected in your post betrayed a lack of self-control.

You are just another 'tragic hero' type who cannot stand those more successful than you. You feed out of a need for abject survival, ToV members feed consciously to fuel and improve themselves- to make themselves 'more'. You cannot learn to be something so you punish and attack those who do.

I have learned to become many things in this world of decay. There are measures of success, and it is all relative anyway. Each can be successful in their own way. I have achieved my own successes and I am continuing in my efforts. Others visions of what is successful are rarely my own, but either way I have nothing against those who are successful, whether more so than myself or not.

I feed to survive. TOV members feed out of nothing better than selfish greed, because they are foolish enough to believe that this will bring them immortality.

The most amusing thing is, you posts probably attracted potential members..

I have no problem with this. If the ignorant wish to seek answers in a so-called ancient religion which is, in fact, no older than a decade, it is up to them.

unknowing - people seem to find it more... revolting... than the taking of life-blood.

I satiate my thirst out of need, to further continue the existence which would otherwise end.

And that would be a bad thing? You are not fit for life. You remain alive out of a basic fear of death.

Not fit for life? Here you reflect the basic megalomaniac TOV philosophy which makes its members believe, under a strange delusion, that they are gods.

As for remaining alive out of a basic fear of death, I can assure you that you could not be more wrong. I have come close to death before and, while it was not pleasant, I certainly did not fear the final curtain of this physical life.

I am alive because there is still pleasure in my continued existence.

Bana Ulaşın

br> For gothic's and gothic's in spirits, there a place you can go to meet other like yourself. An place where everyone can be their selves without have others look at you with fear in their eye, discuss in their face, or them wanting to tell you how to dress, what to like, or put their believe in you head. People here are like you, and more. People from all over the world are here and we like to call it from, but for you, you can call this place

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gothic clothing at
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