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Avatar since: 05.05.2006

Age: 33
United States - NY
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The word for today is apathetic bought to you by the letters F and U & the number 2
Relationship Status: Single
WEEEE! Hey there, *waves* im terry but u guys know me as probaby247 ;p, well err i just wanted to say wazzzz up .......>.>...and tell u guys out there who i am, as we just established well um i`m terry and i`m from newyork hometown brooklyn, im japanese and st,vincent( that means im also black for thoughs who dont know where st.vencent is lmao) hmmm im about 5 foot 6/ 5 foot 7 one or the other if u want to know how i look i gave u guys a pic of me on my page ~smiles~ i dont really think about how i look but to me im just terry .... and my alter eago theresa ~whispers~ she a bit mean though but cares for a friends alot.. she just wont edmit it ~voice goes back to narmol~ iv been on imvu for about 3 years now and most of the time i really dont talk to noobs unless they really impress me like for example: if they or funny, crazy, loves jello can take a joke and very good storytellers I LOVE PEOPLE WITH CREATIVITY!!!!. i am a beginner developer right now im still on the self learning process ^_^" *scratches head with a nervous laugh* but i`ll get there soon enough. i often suger high and very play full. i DONT take racist comments lightly nor racist people i want nothing but good vibes on my page u cant do that see ur way out oh and plez .. let the door hit u on the way out, i wanna laugh =_=. errr if u every want to reach me just hit up my page and leave me a message, if you ever send me an invite and i dont pic up it usally means im not near my computer at the time, im lagging in an other chat so i cant load u to cuz crashing sucks eggs T-T or im doing something with imvu but im not chating im trying to make a pic or a sticker lmao. well rules are simple be nice to me and i`ll be nice to u, DONT BEG ME FOR SHIT OR I`LL CUT UR NECK OUT .... WITH A SPOON O.O, yeah guess how that feels, not to nice right >:D. NO RACIST ALLOWED OR I`LL REPORT UR ASS LIKE THE BITCH I AM BWAHAHAHAH!!! ..~sniff, sniff~ but yeah were was i oh yeah rules and always leave messages THATS WHAT COOL PEOPLE DO!!!!! and thats it for that >.> well all of u have fun and tell me what u think kk much love and kisses PROBABY OUT!!!!!!!
Özel Biri
LadyBluezz has no special someone.
oh man this is my dude right here he be haven me rollen at times, and he's so sweet and out there, i meet him throw brad up there lolz, and im glad i ever did, i luv chating with him, oh and his name is brad as well ;p terry luvz u to bluey head! ^_^ ur ~terreh~
this is one off my good friends KIMMY!!!! i miss her like crazy though we hardly talk do to school and shit but im sure i'll see her when X-mass vaction comes around lolz love ~terry~
this is my silly silly dork, we have known each other for like 3 years now on imvu, he's mad cool and yes im an old imvu fart we meet when i was 13 been best friends since, terry wishes u lot of kisses and hugz ur ~nerd~
this is one of my best friends/child and shes awsome, shes very easy to talk to, and shes always has something to say .... yeah kinda like me ;p. i would really fight for this girl right here so dont mess damnit im crazy ~gives u the crazy eye~ o.O but yeah LUZ U ALEX!!!!! ~terry/mother~
this is vince my son, he's funny and very interesing, sometimes even hella random but thats my type of people anyways, he luvz guns and cock tail girls o.O terry luv u!! ~terry~
the is a very close friend of my, she awsome and also my grand kid she is funny always have me rollen with her random burbing shes crazy but u gotta luv it ;p terry luvs u ninja!!!! ~terry~

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