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Wassup People! My Name Is Steven. ^o^

You could also call me Steve, Dan, or cookie

Things about me:
My middle name is Daniel
My eye color is Brown
My hair color is Dark Brown
My height is 5'6

Things I like:

My Fave things to do are Riding bikes, playing video games,watching tv, going to the mall,cheering up people,hanging out with my friends,and being there for my love ones

My Fave animes are Dbz,Naruto/Naruto Shippuden,Bleach,Vampire Knights,Deadman Wonderland, and way more

My fave shows are The Big Bang Theory, Smallville,Supernatural,and Prison Break

Things you should know about me

I'm usually a shy guy when it comes to meeting new people but over time I'll get use to someone and I wont be shy I mostly will be crazy and fun

I Love to prank/troll people especially noobs

If you are a good person to me and my friends and respect us I will treat you with much respect but if you treat me and my friends like crap or disrespect us I will be an asshole to you


Age: 20 years

Gender: Male

Orientation: Straight

Birthday: 27th of January,1993

Relationship: Single

♥♥♥Special Someone♥♥♥


I love her so much

I will do anything for her and I will always be there for her

She is always there for me when I need her the most

We have many things in common

She the best person I ever met

I hope we can be together for a very long time

Thanks for stalking you can stalk my page as many times as you want I hope you enjoyed it o3o
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